用于计算 Bob 叔叔的 "Agile PPP" C# 代码指标的脚本

Script to calculate Uncle Bob's "Agile PPP" code metrics for C#

我正在阅读 Agile PPP for C#,Bob 叔叔在某些时候提出了有趣的设计质量指标:



The metrics we describe have been successfully applied to a number of projects since 1994.

Several automatic tools will calculate them for you, and they are not difficult to calculate by hand.

It is also not difficult to write a simple shell, Python, or Ruby script to walk through your source files and calculate them.

For an example of a shell script, you can download depend.sh from the freeware section of objectmentor.

我找不到这个 depend.sh 脚本,我不确定我是否同意这些指标很容易手工计算,或者通过一些脚本(我想使用 Python为此,如果是这样的话)。


工具 NDepend 计算 these metrics and it makes easy to write your custom metrics through C# Linq Queries

它集成在 Visual Studio 中,还生成 report 与 Uncle Bob 的指标图。


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