为什么 document.title 不适用于 SVG?

Why document.title doesn't work for SVG?

我创建了简单的 SVG 文档并在 Chrome 和 FF

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
     width="4in" height="3in">
    <title>Company sales by region</title>

为什么 document.title return ""?


document . title [ = value ] Returns the document’s title, as given by the title element for HTML and as given by the SVG title element for SVG.

试试 document.title 代替:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
     width="4in" height="3in">
  <title>Company sales by region</title>

spec says:

If the document element is an SVG svg element, then let value be the child text content of the first SVG title element that is a child of the document element.

所以问题中的片段 document.title returns "" 的原因是在该片段中 title 元素不是文档元素的子元素(svg 元素)。

要在将鼠标悬停在 svg 元素上时显示提示消息,您需要用组标签将其包裹起来。
您有组标签 <g> 但里面是空的。


<svg  width="50%" height="50%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
<g id="titleRect">
<title> This is a green square </title>
<rect id="rect1" x="10" y="100" width="100" height="100" fill="yellowgreen" /> 

<g id="titleCircle">
<title> This is a purple circle.  </title>
<circle id="circle1" cx="200" cy="150" r="50"  fill="purple" /> 

Multi-line 工具提示

要获得 multi-line 工具提示,您必须在 <title> 标签内使用换行符

html, body, svg {
  margin: auto;
  width: 100vmin;
  display: block;
<svg viewBox="-4 -4 8 8">
the tooltip is
very easy!</title>
    <circle r="4" fill="purple" />



       <title>   &#10697;   Atom properties </title>
       <title> &#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135; </title>
       <title> Name: oxygen </title>
       <title> Atomic mass (molar mass) :15,99903 </title>
       <title> Atomic radius    60 (48) пм  </title> 
       <title> &#10697; Chemical properties  </title>


.container {

<div class="container">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-52 -53 100 100" stroke-width="2">
 <g fill="none">
     <title> Orbit of the first atom  </title> 
    <ellipse fill="#F0F0F0" stroke="#66899a" rx="6" ry="44" />
        <ellipse fill="#F0F0F0" stroke="#e1d85d" rx="6" ry="44"  transform="rotate(-66)"/>
    <title> Orbit of the second atom  </title> 
      <ellipse fill="#F0F0F0" stroke="#80a3cf" rx="6" ry="44" transform="rotate(66)"/>
       <title> Orbit of the third atom  </title> 
   <circle  stroke="#4b541f" r="44"/> 

 <g fill="#66899a" stroke="white">
    <title>   &#10697;   Atom properties </title>
    <title> &#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135; </title>
    <title> Name: oxygen </title>
    <title> Atomic mass (molar mass) :15,99903 </title>
    <title> Atomic radius 60 (48) пм  </title> 
    <title> &#10697; Chemical properties  </title>
     <title> &#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135; </title>
    <title> Covalent radius 73 пм </title>
    <title> Ion radius 132 (-2e) пм </title>
    <title> Electrode potential 0 </title>
    <title>&#10697;Thermodynamic properties of a simple substance </title>
     <title> &#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135;&#9135; </title>
    <title>Density (at n. At.) Gas: 1,42897 kg/m³ </title>
    <title>Melting temperature 54,8 К (-218,35 °C) </title>
    <title>Boiling temperature 90,19 К (-182,96 °C) </title>
     <circle fill="#80a3cf" r="13"/>
    <title>First atom</title>   
     <circle cy="-44" r="9"/>
     <title>Second atom</title>
     <circle cx="40" cy="18" r="9"/>
         <title>Third atom</title> 
         <circle cx="-40" cy="18" r="9"/>