与元素类型 "h:inputText" 关联的属性名称 "p:autofocus" 必须后跟“=”字符

Attribute name "p:autofocus" associated with an element type "h:inputText" must be followed by the ' = ' character

使用 passthrough 命名空间的 HTML 5 个属性似乎存在错误,即:

<h:inputText id="text1" p:autofocus p:placeholder="this is a placeholder text"></h:inputText> 

当我尝试 运行 Glassfish 中的页面时出现此错误:

Error Parsing /index.xhtml: Error Traced[line: 19] Attribute name "p:autofocus" associated with an element type "h:inputText" must be followed by the ' = ' character.

注意占位符属性工作正常,只是那些不需要指定值的属性 (=""),例如 autofocus 失败了。


不,这是由XHTML standard引起的:

XML does not support attribute minimization. Attribute-value pairs must be written in full. Attribute names such as compact and checked cannot occur in elements without their value being specified.


Differences Between HTML and XHTML

In XHTML, attribute minimization is forbidden, and the autofocus attribute must be defined as <input autofocus="autofocus" />.