很难从 wso2 EMM 设备管理控制台识别手机

Hard to identify the mobiles from wso2 EMM device management console

我尝试设置 WSO2 EMM V2.0.1 并向 EMM 添加了一些相同型号的 Android 手机。但是我觉得很难识别手机,因为所有手机在 EMM 设备管理控制台中都显示相同的信息。我需要select手机跳转指定手机才能一一查看详情(比如IEMI)。以下屏幕截图是从我的测试环境 Capture from testing environment. When I search from internet, I watched a demo from youtube and found the console display is different with the my testing environment, the mobile IEMI information is showed on the device management console page and very easy to identify the mobile. The following screen capture is captured from youtube.Capture from youtube 中截取的。请问有哪位兄弟有这方面的经验吗?

我相信这是两个不同的 EMM 版本。如果您需要显示更多详细信息,则必须自定义 EMM。在 EMM 2.0.1 中已经存在相同的信息,您需要进行一些小的自定义来呈现这些信息。

我看了一下代码,它可以像这样轻松定制。这是 <EMM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/emm/units/device-listing/public/js/device-listing.js

-             { targets: 3, data: 'enrolmentInfo.status', className: 'fade-edge remove-padding-top' ,
+             { targets: 3, data: 'deviceIdentifier', className: 'fade-edge remove-padding-top'},
+             { targets: 4, data: 'enrolmentInfo.status', className: 'fade-edge remove-padding-top' ,
-             { targets: 4, data: 'type' , className: 'fade-edge remove-padding-top' },
-             { targets: 5, data: 'enrolmentInfo.ownership' , className: 'fade-edge remove-padding-top' },
-             { targets: 6, data: 'enrolmentInfo.status' , className: 'text-right content-fill text-left-on-grid-view no-wrap' ,
+             { targets: 5, data: 'type' , className: 'fade-edge remove-padding-top' },
+             { targets: 6, data: 'enrolmentInfo.ownership' , className: 'fade-edge remove-padding-top' },
+             { targets: 7, data: 'enrolmentInfo.status' , className: 'text-right content-fill text-left-on-grid-view no-wrap' ,
+             var imei = data.deviceIdentifier;
+                         $(this).attr('data-grid-label', "IMEI");
+                         $(this).attr('data-search', imei);
+                         $(this).attr('data-display', imei);
+                         break;
+                     case 4:
-                     case 4:
+                     case 5:
-                     case 5:
+                     case 6:
