
List with type constraints on consecutive elements


val f1: A => B = ???
val f2: B => C = ???
val f3: C => D = ???

type SafeList = ??? // how to define this?

val fs: SafeList = f1 :: f2 :: f3 :: HNil // OK

val fs: SafeList = f1 :: f3 :: HNil       // ERROR

通常不可能使用类型别名来描述像这样有趣的约束——相反,您需要一个类型 class 来作为类型具有某些 属性.[=14= 的证据]

使用 Shapeless 通常可以使用库提供的类型 classes 来完成此操作,但我认为这里不是这种情况。幸运的是,自己编写并不太难:

import shapeless._

// Evidence that an hlist is made up of functions that can be composed.
trait Composable[L <: HList] {
  type In

object Composable {
  type Aux[L <: HList, In0] = Composable[L] { type In = In0 }

  implicit def composable0[A, B]: Aux[(A => B) :: HNil, A] =
    new Composable[(A => B) :: HNil] {
      type In = A

  implicit def composable1[A, B, T <: HList]
    (implicit tc: Aux[T, B]): Aux[(A => B) :: T, A] =
      new Composable[(A => B) :: T] {
        type In = A

def composable[L <: HList: Composable] {}

我们在这里所做的是描述如何以单身人士 HList 作为基本案例,归纳地建立证据。在每一步,我们都使用 In type 成员来跟踪下一个(即列表中较早的)函数的输出类型。


scala> composable[(Int => String) :: (String => Char) :: HNil]

scala> composable[(Int => Long) :: (Long => Char) :: (Char => String) :: HNil]

scala> composable[(Int => String) :: (Symbol => Char) :: HNil]
<console>:23: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter...
