Applescript:iTerm 从 window 脚本中拆分窗格
Applescript: iTerm to split pane from the window the script was called
我有以下脚本,尝试垂直拆分 window,并在新窗格中添加一个日志文件。
COMMAND="tail -f log_file"
# Do something important.
sleep 4
# Split the window, and tail logs.
osascript <<-EOF
tell application "iTerm"
tell current session of current window
split vertically with default profile command "$COMMAND"
end tell
end tell
但是,此脚本拆分了当前处于焦点的 window,而不是脚本 运行ning 所在的 window。
- 打开一个 iTerm window(比如 W1),然后 运行 这个脚本。
- 当脚本正在执行时
sleep 4
,打开另一个 window(比如 W2)并保持 W2 为焦点。
- 4 秒后,较新的 window(即 W2)将垂直拆分。
如何打开从 W1 中拆分 window,即调用脚本的 window?
在脚本开头获取当前会话的 ID。
myID=$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm" to id of current session of current window')
COMMAND="tail -f log_file"
# Do something important.
sleep 4
# Split the window, and tail logs. myID2 is the id of the new session (the split pane)
myID2=$(osascript <<-EOF
tell application "iTerm"
repeat with w in windows
repeat with t in tabs of w
tell (first session of t whose its id = "$myID")
if exists then return id of (split vertically with default profile command "$COMMAND")
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
我有以下脚本,尝试垂直拆分 window,并在新窗格中添加一个日志文件。
COMMAND="tail -f log_file"
# Do something important.
sleep 4
# Split the window, and tail logs.
osascript <<-EOF
tell application "iTerm"
tell current session of current window
split vertically with default profile command "$COMMAND"
end tell
end tell
但是,此脚本拆分了当前处于焦点的 window,而不是脚本 运行ning 所在的 window。
- 打开一个 iTerm window(比如 W1),然后 运行 这个脚本。
- 当脚本正在执行时
sleep 4
,打开另一个 window(比如 W2)并保持 W2 为焦点。 - 4 秒后,较新的 window(即 W2)将垂直拆分。
如何打开从 W1 中拆分 window,即调用脚本的 window?
在脚本开头获取当前会话的 ID。
myID=$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm" to id of current session of current window')
COMMAND="tail -f log_file"
# Do something important.
sleep 4
# Split the window, and tail logs. myID2 is the id of the new session (the split pane)
myID2=$(osascript <<-EOF
tell application "iTerm"
repeat with w in windows
repeat with t in tabs of w
tell (first session of t whose its id = "$myID")
if exists then return id of (split vertically with default profile command "$COMMAND")
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
end tell