atTiny85 循环直到没有从 arduino 读取或超时

atTiny85 loop till no read from arduino OR timeout

我不想在我的 atTiny 中循环任何内容,直到我读取特定输入或达到最长时间为止。读数来自Arduino。


void openGate()
  //Set Read Gate to Pullup will LOW when closed and HIGH when open

  //We want this PIN to output for the time the loop runs
  digitalWrite(pinGate, HIGH);

  whileCounter = 0;

  //Wait for Reading HIGH when the Arduino Opens the Output Pin
  //Or Exit when a certain time is reached
  while(digitalRead(readGate) == LOW || whileCounter >= waitTime ) { 


  digitalWrite(pinGate, LOW);

在 Arduino 中,我只是简单地将 PIN 更改为 OUTPUT,这部分工作正常。

pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

提前致谢! 干杯


void loop(){
 if (f_wdt==1) {  // wait for timed out watchdog / flag is set when a watchdog timeout occurs
  if(circles <= count){
   //Start Setup our PINS and the millis to compare
    pinMode(pinGate,OUTPUT); //Set Gate as Output
    pinMode(readGate,INPUT_PULLUP); //Set Read Gate to Pullup will LOW when closed and HIGH when open
    unsigned long startMillis = millis(); //Snapshot of time
    f_start = 1;
    digitalWrite(pinGate, HIGH); //Output High to MOSFET to open the gate
    if(digitalRead(readGate) == LOW) f_done = 1; //We got a signal, lets start new sleep circle
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); //Our current Millis
    if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - startMillis) >= waitTime) f_done = 1;  //Timeout time is reached, lets start new sleep circle

    digitalWrite(pinGate, LOW);
    pinMode(pinGate,INPUT); // set all used port to intput to save power
    f_start = 0;    // reset setup flag
    f_done = 0;     // reset open circle flag
    count = 0;      // reset sleep cycle count
    f_wdt=0;       // reset watchdog flag
    system_sleep(); // back to sleep little tiny
  } else {
   f_wdt=0;       // reset watchdog flag
   system_sleep(); // back to sleep little tiny

对不起,我脑子放屁了。 INPUT_PULLUP 是标准的 HIGH,whileCounter 是@Pawel 提到的错误方法。

  while(digitalRead(readGate) == HIGH && whileCounter <= waitTime ) { 
