
Node Insertion,Linked Lists

我有这段代码,它通过它在 starting.This 处插入节点代码还包含一个打印链表的函数,如果为空,它会打印 linked list is empty

当我 运行 这段代码时,我的输出是 Linked list is empty .

struct node {
    int data;
    node* next;
}* start = NULL;

void append(node* linkedlist, int data)
    node* new_element = NULL;
    new_element = (node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    new_element->data = data;
    if (linkedlist == NULL) {
        linkedlist = new_element;
        new_element->next = NULL;

    else {
        new_element->next = (linkedlist)->next;
        (linkedlist)->next = new_element;

int main()
    append(start, 4);
    append(start, 5);


void printList(node* linkedlist)
    node* ptr = linkedlist;
    if (linkedlist == NULL) {
        printf("Linked list is empty");
    else {

        while (ptr != NULL) {
            cout << ptr->data;
            ptr = ptr->next;


您的问题出在这里linkedlist = new_element; 将参数传递给函数时,它们是按值传递的。即使当您传递 pointer 时,您实际上传递的是该指针的副本(您可以通过在函数内部和函数外部打印 linkedlist 的地址来验证)。语句 linkedlist = new_element;new_element 分配给一个副本。一旦函数 return 你最终什么都没有(和内存泄漏)。请记住,当您需要更改指针本身时,您必须使用双 pointer **

你输入了指向 null 的 start 的值。然后将其复制到另一个指针 linkedlist 并将其设置为新值。在函数 start 仍然指向 null 之后,因为您从未更改 start.



void append(node *&linkedlist,int data)

如果您使用的是 C++ 编译器。


void append(node **linkedlist,int data)

如果您使用的是 C


  1. 首先将newnode的next初始化为null
  2. 插入前检查是否为空列表,如果为空则将其作为头部。
  3. 如果它不为空,则将新节点指向列表的头部并使其成为新的头部。
  4. 要反映在追加中完成的插入,您应该 return 函数的修改头(也相应地修改 main)。


    node *append(node *linkedlist,int data){
        node *new_element=NULL;
        new_element=(node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        new_element->next=NULL;// initialise next of newnode to  be null here
        // In case of empty list make this as first node
            new_element->next=(linkedlist);//point the new node to head of list
            (linkedlist)=new_element;// make new node as head
        return linkedlist;

    int main()
        start = append(start, 4);
        start = append(start, 5);

我认为您的 if 语句不正确。我会这样做

if(linkedlist == null)
    //head node is null i.e, linked list is empty hence make the new node as head node
    linkedlist = new_element;  
    //make the new node point to the head
    new_element->next = linkedlist;
    //make the new node as head node
    linkedlist = new_element;

对于初学者,您显示的代码不是有效的 C 代码。您正在使用 C++ 元素。所以该程序甚至不会编译为 C 程序。

由于最初设置为 NULL 的节点 start 可以通过函数更改,因此您必须通过引用传递它。否则函数参数linkedlist是函数的局部变量,在函数中会被改变,最后在函数退出后销毁。所以原来的指针start本身是不会改变的。


    else {
        new_element->next = (linkedlist)->next;
        (linkedlist)->next = new_element;


考虑到函数名称append不适合在列表的开头插入节点。取个insert这样的名字比较好。 该函数可以如下所示

int insert( struct node **linkedlist, int data )
    struct node *new_element = malloc( sizeof( struct node ) );
    int success = new_element != NULL;

    if ( success )
        new_element->data = data;
        new_element->next = *linkedlist;
        *linkedlist = new_element;

    return success;


int append( struct node **linkedlist, int data )
    struct node *new_element = malloc( sizeof( struct node ) );
    int success = new_element != NULL;

    if ( success )
        new_element->data = data;
        new_element->next = NULL;

        while ( *linkedlist != NULL ) linkedlist = &( *linkedlist )->next; 
        *linkedlist = new_element;

    return success;


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct node 
    int data;
    struct node* next;
} *start = NULL;

int insert( struct node **linkedlist, int data )
    struct node *new_element = malloc( sizeof( struct node ) );
    int success = new_element != NULL;

    if ( success )
        new_element->data = data;
        new_element->next = *linkedlist;
        *linkedlist = new_element;

    return success;

int append( struct node **linkedlist, int data )
    struct node *new_element = malloc( sizeof( struct node ) );
    int success = new_element != NULL;

    if ( success )
        new_element->data = data;
        new_element->next = NULL;

        while ( *linkedlist != NULL ) linkedlist = &( *linkedlist )->next; 
        *linkedlist = new_element;

    return success;

void printList( struct node* linkedlist )
    if ( linkedlist == NULL ) 
        puts( "Linked list is empty" );
        for ( struct node *current = linkedlist; current != NULL; current = current->next ) 
            printf( "%d ", current->data );
        printf( "\n" );

int main( void ) 
    const int N = 10;

    for ( int i = 1; i <= N; i++ )
        if ( i % 2 == 0 ) append( &start, i );
        else insert( &start, i );

    printList( start );

    return 0;


9 7 5 3 1 2 4 6 8 10

当您在 C 中传递参数时,它会创建一个本地副本供函数使用。当您在函数内部修改参数时,它只会更改本地副本。

void f1( int a )
    a = 1; // modification does not affect the calling function

int b=0;
f1( b );
assert( b == 0 ); // b was not changed by f

在C(或C-style C++)中,如果你想让一个函数修改一个参数,你需要把它作为一个指针来传递:

void f2( int * a )
    (*a) = 1;

int b=0;
f2( &b );
assert( b == 1 ); // b was changed by f


void f3( int * * a )
    (*a) = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
    (**a) = 1;

int * b = NULL;
f3( &b );
assert( b != NULL ); // the pointer was initialized
assert( *b == 1 ); // the pointed-to value was initialized

C++ 中的赋值过程可以稍微简单一些,因为您可以使用 reference parameters 而不是显式指定指针。