R quantmod操纵x轴

R quantmod manipulate x-axis

我正在使用 Rquantmod 来可视化一些数据


# calculate the dates before and after date of interest
t1 <- as.Date(as.character(20101018),"%Y%m%d") - 25
t2 <- as.Date(as.character(20101018),"%Y%m%d") + 10

# get historical data
current_Stock <- getSymbols("AAPL", src="yahoo", from=t1, to=t2, auto.assign = FALSE)

# plot this stuff
chartSeries(current_Stock, name = "AAPL", TA = NULL)
# mark day of interest
addTA(xts(TRUE,as.POSIXlt(as.Date(as.character(20101018),"%Y%m%d"))),on=-1, col="gray19")


我现在希望 axis 上的日期是垂直的(旋转 90 度)并且没有年份,就像 this thread 的答案一样,然后打印 day of interest (灰色条所在的位置)在 boldgray.

other thread的结果如下图:

但该解决方案适用于 chart_Series,我更喜欢 quantmodchartSeries 的设计和着色。


你可以用粗略的方法抑制x轴的到来,error(据我所知,这是最简单的)和chartSeries(..., TA="add.TA.obj")(因为addTA()做一个轴) .然后剩下的就是让轴成为你想要的。


### preparation of data (the same as OP's)
t1 <- as.Date(as.character(20101018),"%Y%m%d") - 25
t2 <- as.Date(as.character(20101018),"%Y%m%d") + 10
current_Stock <- getSymbols("AAPL", src="yahoo", from=t1, to=t2, auto.assign = FALSE)

### [Edited] preparation of main plot data (I used 2010-10-15 as an interest day)
no_axis <- x <- chartSeries(current_Stock, name = "AAPL",  # be careful of ' and " in TA.block
                   TA = "addTA(xts(TRUE, as.POSIXlt(as.Date('20101015', '%Y%m%d'))), on=-1, col='gray19')", plot=F)

### make plot without x-axis
no_axis@x.labels <- "a"                 # throw something to x.labels to cause error
quantmod:::chartSeries.chob(no_axis)    # The error stops x-axis coming
  # try(quantmod:::chartSeries.chob(no_axis), silent = T)   # supprres warning version

### make x-axis (I used "x@colors$border" but original is "x@colors$major.tick")
interest <- which(strptime(x@x.labels, "%b %d %Y") == "2010-10-15")  # index of the day

par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 0, 3))   # I modified lab.position a little by padj.
axis(1, at = (1 + x@bp * x@spacing - x@spacing)[-interest], padj = 0.4,
     labels = (format(strptime(x@x.labels, "%b %d %Y"), "%b %d"))[-interest], 
     las = 2, mgp = c(3, 0.7, 0), col = x@colors$border, col.axis = x@colors$border)
axis(1, at = (1 + x@bp * x@spacing - x@spacing)[interest], padj = 0.4,
     labels = (format(strptime(x@x.labels, "%b %d %Y"), "%b %d"))[interest], 
     las = 2, mgp = c(3, 0.7, 0), col = x@colors$border, col.axis = "gray", font.axis=2)