cx_Oracle 忽略 order by 子句

cx_Oracle ignores order by clause

我在我的项目中创建了复杂的查询生成器,并且在测试期间偶然发现了一个奇怪的问题:具有相同计划的相同查询在不同的客户端上产生不同的结果:cx_Oracle 忽略 order by 子句,而 Oracle SQLDeveloper Studio 正确处理查询,但在这两种情况下都按两个计划中的存在顺序排序。


select *
        ROWNUM tmp__rnum
        select base.* 
            select id
                    profile_id as id,
                    surname as sort__col 
                    from names
                /* here usually are several other subqueries chained by unions */
            group by id
            order by min(sort__col) asc
        ) tmp
        left join (profiles) base
        on =
        where exists 
            select t.object_id 
            from object_rights t 
                    t.object_id = 
                and t.subject_id = :a__subject_id 
                and t.rights in ('r','w') 
    ) a 
    where ROWNUM < :rows_to 
where tmp__rnum >= :rows_from

并从 cx_Oracle 开始计划,以防我遗漏任何内容:

{'operation': 'SELECT STATEMENT', 'position': 9225, 'cardinality': 2164, 'time': 1, 'cost': 9225, 'depth': 0, 'bytes': 84396, 'optimizer': 'ALL_ROWS', 'id': 0, 'cpu_cost': 1983805801},

    {'operation': 'VIEW', 'position': 1, 'filter_predicates': '"TMP__RNUM">=TO_NUMBER(:ROWS_FROM)', 'parent_id': 0, 'object_instance': 1, 'cardinality': 2164SEL', 'projection': '"from$_subquery$_001"."ID"[NUMBER,22], "from$_subquery$_001"."CREATION_TIME"[TIMESTAMP,11], "TMP__RNUM"[NUMBER,22]', 'time': 1, 'cost': 9225, 'depth': 1, 'bytes': 84396, 'id': 1, 'cpu_cost': 1983805801},

        {'operation': 'COUNT', 'position': 1, 'filter_predicates': 'ROWNUM<TO_NUMBER(:ROWS_TO)', 'parent_id': 1, 'projection': '"BASE"."ID"[NUMBER,22], "BASE"."CREATION_TIME"[TIMESTAMP,11], ROWNUM[8]', 'options': 'STOPKEY', 'depth': 2, 'id': 2, 

            {'operation': 'HASH JOIN', 'position': 1, 'parent_id': 2, 'access_predicates': '"TMP"."ID"="BASE"."ID"', 'cardinality': 2164, 'projection': '(#keys=1) "BASE"."ID"[NUMBER,22], "BASE"."CREATION_TIME"[TIMESTAMP,11]', 'time': 1, 'cost': 9225, 'depth': 3, 'bytes': 86560, 'id': 3, 'cpu_cost': 1983805801},

                {'operation': 'JOIN FILTER', 'position': 1, 'parent_id': 3, 'object_owner': 'SYS', 'cardinality': 2219, 'projection': '"BASE"."ID"[NUMBER,22], "BASE"."CREATION_TIME"[TIMESTAMP,11]', 'object_name': ':BF0000', 'time': 1, 'cost': 662, 'options': 'CREATE', 'depth': 4, 'bytes': 59913, 'id': 4, 'cpu_cost': 223290732},

                    {'operation': 'HASH JOIN', 'position': 1, 'parent_id': 4, 'access_predicates': '"T"."OBJECT_ID"="BASE"."ID"', 'cardinality': 2219, 'projection': '(#keys=1) "BASE"."ID"[NUMBER,22], "BASE"."CREATION_TIME"[TIMESTAMP,11]', 'time': 1, 'cost': 662, 'options': 'RIGHT SEMI', 'depth': 5, 'bytes': 59913, 'id': 5, 'cpu_cost': 223290732},

                        {'operation': 'TABLE ACCESS', 'position': 1, 'filter_predicates': '"T"."SUBJECT_ID"=TO_NUMBER(:A__SUBJECT_ID) AND ("T"."RIGHTS"=\'r\' OR "T"."RIGHTS"=\'w\')', 'parent_id': 5, 'object_type': 'TABLE', 'object_instance': 8, 'cardinality': 2219, 'projection': '"T"."OBJECT_ID"[NUMBER,22]', 'object_name': 'OBJECT_RIGHTS', 'time': 1, 'cost': 5, 'options': 'FULL', 'depth': 6, 'bytes': 24409, 'optimizer': 'ANALYZED', 'id': 6, 'cpu_cost': 1823386},

                        {'operation': 'TABLE ACCESS', 'position': 2, 'parent_id': 5, 'object_type': 'TABLE', 'object_instance': 6, 'cardinality': 753862, 'projection': '"BASE"."ID"[NUMBER,22], "BASE"."CREATION_TIME"[TIMESTAMP,11]', 'object_name': 'PROFILES', 'time': 1, 'cost': 654, 'options': 'FULL', 'depth': 6, 'bytes': 12061792, 'optimizer': 'ANALYZED', 'id': 7, 'cpu_cost': 145148296},

                {'operation': 'VIEW', 'position': 2, 'parent_id': 3, 'object_instance': 3, 'cardinality': 735296, 'projection': '"TMP"."ID"[NUMBER,22]', 'time': 1, 'cost': 8559, 'depth': 4, 'bytes': 9558848, 'id': 8, 'cpu_cost': 1686052619},

                    {'operation': 'SORT', 'position': 1, 'parent_id': 8, 'cardinality': 735296, 'projection': '(#keys=1) MIN("SURNAME")[50], "PROFILE_ID"[NUMBER,22]', 'time': 1, 'cost': 8559, 'options': 'ORDER BY', 'temp_space': 18244000, 'depth': 5, 'bytes': 10294144, 'id': 9, 'cpu_cost': 1686052619},

                        {'operation': 'HASH', 'position': 1, 'parent_id': 9, 'cardinality': 735296, 'projection': '(#keys=1; rowset=200) "PROFILE_ID"[NUMBER,22], MIN("SURNAME")[50]', 'time': 1, 'cost': 8559, 'options': 'GROUP BY', 'temp_space': 18244000, 'depth': 6, 'bytes': 10294144, 'id': 10, 'cpu_cost': 1686052619},

                            {'operation': 'JOIN FILTER', 'position': 1, 'parent_id': 10, 'object_owner': 'SYS', 'cardinality': 756586, 'projection': '(rowset=200) "PROFILE_ID"[NUMBER,22], "SURNAME"[VARCHAR2,50]', 'object_name': ':BF0000', 'time': 1, 'cost': 1202, 'options': 'USE', 'depth': 7, 'bytes': 10592204, 'id': 11, 'cpu_cost': 190231639},

                                {'operation': 'TABLE ACCESS', 'position': 1, 'filter_predicates': 'SYS_OP_BLOOM_FILTER(:BF0000,"PROFILE_ID")', 'parent_id': 11, 'object_type': 'TABLE', 'object_instance': 5, 'cardinality': 756586, 'projection': '(rowset=200) "PROFILE_ID"[NUMBER,22], "SURNAME"[VARCHAR2,50]', 'object_name': 'NAMES', 'time': 1, 'cost': 1202, 'options': 'FULL', 'depth': 8, 'bytes': 10592204, 'optimizer': 'ANALYZED', 'id': 12, 'cpu_cost': 190231639}


ID,    Created,    rownum
(1829, 2016-08-24, 1)
(2438, 2016-08-24, 2)

SQLDeveloper 输出(按姓氏排序,符合预期):

ID,      Created,    rownum
(518926, 2016-08-28, 1)
(565556, 2016-08-29, 2)

我没有看到会影响查询结果排序的 ORDER BY 子句。在 SQL 中,保证结果集排序的唯一方法是为最外层的 SELECT.

添加一个 ORDER BY 子句

在几乎所有情况下,子查询中的 ORDER BY 都不一定得到尊重(Oracle 在下一级查询中有 rownum 比较时例外——甚至是现在在 FETCH FIRST <n> ROWS) 的支持下已经过时了。

因此,没有理由期望 innermost 子查询中的 ORDER BY 会产生任何影响,尤其是随后发生的 JOIN .


  • ORDER BY 移动到最外层的查询。
  • 如果您使用的是 Oracle 12c+,请使用 FETCH FIRST 语法。
  • ORDER BY 移到 之后 JOIN
  • 使用 ROW_NUMBER() 而不是 rownum