如何将 LinkedList 中的对象与整数进行比较

How to compare an object in a LinkedList to an integer

public static LinkedList checkMaze(int r, int c, LinkedList t, int i)
   int temp = t.get(i);

    if(temp == 1)
      System.out.println("You've hit a wall in the maze, try a different move!");
      System.out.print("Enter a point in the maze: (row, col)");
      r = getInt();
      c = getInt();
      i = findIndex(r, c, t);
    t.set(i, "+");
    return t;

我正在尝试查看列表中指定位置的任何内容是否等于 1,但想不出实现该目的的方法。该列表由 1 和 0 组成。

显示的错误是 "Type mismatch: cannot convert from java.lang.Object to int" 在 "int temp = t.get(i);"

I'm trying to see if whatever is in the list at the specified location is equal to 1


public static LinkedList checkMaze(int r, int c, LinkedList t, int i)

public static LinkedList<Integer> checkMaze(int r, int c, LinkedList<Integer> t, int i)

然后简单地验证值是否等于 1

if(t.get(i) == 1)


int temp = (Integer)t.get(i);



Integer valueInList =  Integer.parseInt(_linkedList.get(compareIndex).toString);
if(compareVale == valueInList ){
    system.out.println("the are equals.");