将@PrePersist 和@PreUpdate 与Ebean 和Play 2 一起使用。5.x 不起作用?

Using @PrePersist and @PreUpdate with Ebean and Play 2.5.x not working?


@Table(name = "users")
public class User extends Model {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Integer id;

    private DateTime createdDate;

    private DateTime updatedDate;

    private long version = 0;

    @Column(length = 35, nullable = false)
    private String firstName;

    @Column(length = 35, nullable = false)
    private String lastName;

    @Column(length = 256)
    private String jobTitle;

    @Column(length = 1000)
    private String options;

    private Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();

    protected void prePersist() throws IOException {
        Logger.warn("PrePersist called");

    protected void preUpdate() throws IOException {
        Logger.warn("PreUpdate called");

    private void postLoad() throws IOException {
        Logger.warn("PostLoad called");
// settlers and getters here 



User user = new User();
user.setFirstName("Someone").setLastName("Last Name"); // etc
// or you can even try 
// user.save();

我正在尝试保存新用户和更新用户,在调试时让用户断点不调用具有 @PrePersist@PreUpdate@PostLoad 的方法,但它们是根本没有调用,在实际应用中,我做了一些从 JSON 字符串到 Map optionsproperties 的转换,反之亦然。


我正在使用 play 2.5.6 和 sbt-play-ebean 3.0.2 .


它们必须是 public,而不是 protectedprivate:

public void prePersist() throws IOException {
    Logger.warn("PrePersist called");

public void preUpdate() throws IOException {
    Logger.warn("PreUpdate called");

public void postLoad() throws IOException {
    Logger.warn("PostLoad called");

编辑:以防万一,如果 @Transient 列被修改,@PreUpdatePrePersist 将不起作用。