
Verilog: Store bits into a specific range of bits of an initialized module

所以我一直在按照 EmbeddedMicro 提供的指南使用他们的 HDL Lucid 制作简单的 16 位 CPU。我的目标是将其转换为 Quartus II 中的 Verilog。我遇到的问题是试图将分配给我的数据目的地的位存储到指定寄存器内的特定范围的位中。我遇到的第二个问题是使用全局常量作为案例值之一。我能够通过替换为常量值来解决这个问题。我已经将包含文件添加到项目设置中。我对 Verilog 还是个新手,所以他们可能有很多错误代码。

收到的错误在第 57 行

    shift_r.D[DEST] = DIN; //supposed to be storing the data coming in into register

错误读数:Verilog 语法错误,近文本:“=”。检查并修复紧接在指定关键字之前或处出现的任何语法错误

`include "CPU_8/my_incl.vh"

input RST,CLK;
input [0:7] DIN; //DATA in
output reg [0:7] ADDRESS;
output reg [0:7] DOUT; //DATA OUT
output reg WRITE,READ;

reg [0:15] INST;

//I am not sure if i set up the array for my registers correctly either
shiftreg shift_r[0:15] (RST, CLK, D, Q); //initialize shift_r and create array of 16 registers.
//Implicit net is created for the D and Q above when generating block file 

instRom_16 instRoms(ADDRESS, INST); //intialize InstRom_16 module

reg [0:3]OP;        // opcode
reg [0:3]ARG1;      // first arg
reg [0:3]ARG2;      // second arg
reg [0:3]DEST;      // destination arg
reg [0:7]CONSTANT;  //Constant

always@(posedge CLK)
    WRITE = 0;      // don't write
    READ  = 0;       // don't read
    ADDRESS = 8'b0; // don't care
    DOUT = 8'b0;    // don't care

    instRoms.ADDRESS = shift_r.D[0]; //Set shift_reg to be program counter
    shift_r.D = shift_r.Q[0] + 1;   //increment program counter.

    OP = instRoms.INST[15:12]; // opcode first 4 bits
    DEST = instRoms.INST[11:8]; // destination one 4 bits
    ARG1 = instRoms.INST[7:4]; // argument2 is next 4 bits
    ARG2 = instRoms.INST[3:0];  // ARGUMENT2 is last 4 bits
    CONSTANT = instRoms.INST[7:0];

        case (OP)
            4'd1: //tried to use `LOAD but that wouldn't point to the value in my include file
                READ = 1;                                 // request a read

                //line that is failing
                shift_r.D[DEST] = DIN; //supposed to be storing the data coming in into register






`ifndef _my_incl_vh_
`define _my_incl_vh_

`define NOP   = 4'd0;  // 0 filled

`define LOAD  = 4'd1; // load



shiftreg shift_r[0:15] (RST, CLK, D, Q);


所以 shift_r.D[DEST] 应该变成 shift_r[DEST].Dshift_r.Q[0] 应该变成 shift_r[0].Q.

对于 shift_r.D,我猜你想要一个 0:15 向量。您需要使用例如将所有 16 位分配给 15 位的中间线一个for循环。