PL/SQL 使用外连接

PL/SQL using outer join

我有 3 个 table:

我需要 select 来自 table A 的数据,条件为:

select b.t_ref from B b where b.client_ref = client_ref_ 

returns 任何数据),我的查询将如下所示:

select max(l_date) from A where t_ref in (select b.t_ref from B b where b.client_ref = client_ref_)

2) 如果查询上面 returns 任何数据,我的查询将是这样的:

 select max(l_date) from A where t_ref in (select c.t_id from C c where c.client_ref = client_ref_)

现在我已经编写了一个 PLSQL 函数:

  select max(aa.l_date) into l_date from A aa where aa.t_ref in (select bb.t_ref from B bb where bb.client_ref = client_ref_);
  if l_date is null then
    select max(aa.l_date) into l_date from A aa where t_ref in (select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = client_ref_);
  end if;
return l_date;

可行,但这不是个好主意,因为我调用了 table A 2 次。是否可以避免第二次调用,并在一次查询中执行此操作?


create  table A (t_ref integer, l_date date);

create   table B (t_ref integer, client_ref integer);

create   table C (t_id integer, client_ref integer);

 SQL> select * from a
  2  /

---------- ---------
        10 01-JAN-11
        20 02-FEB-11
        30 02-MAR-11

SQL> select * from b;

---------- ----------
        10        101
        20        102

SQL> select * from c;

---------- ----------
        10        101
        20        102
        30        101
        40        103

sql> select max(aa.l_date) 
    --into l_date 
    from A aa 
    where aa.t_ref =any(   case when ( select bb.t_ref from B bb where bb.client_ref = '101' and rownum <2 ) is null then
                                     ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '101' )
                                     when  ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '101' and rownum <2 ) is not null then
                                      ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '101' and rownum <2   )
                                     ( select bb.t_ref from B bb where bb.client_ref = '101' )


SQL> select max(aa.l_date) 
--into l_date 
from A aa 
where aa.t_ref =any(   case when ( select bb.t_ref from B bb where bb.client_ref = '102' and rownum <2 ) is null then
                                 ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '102' )
                                 when  ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '102' and rownum <2 ) is not null then
                                      ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '102'   )
                                 ( select bb.t_ref from B bb where bb.client_ref = '102' )


SQL> select max(aa.l_date) 
--into l_date 
from A aa 
where aa.t_ref =any(   case when ( select bb.t_ref from B bb where bb.client_ref = '103' and rownum <2 ) is null then
                                 ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '103' )
                                 when  ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '103' and rownum <2 ) is not null then
                                  ( select t_id from C c where c.client_ref = '103'  )
                                 ( select bb.t_ref from B bb where bb.client_ref = '103' )




select max(aa.l_date) into l_date from A aa 
    where t_ref in 
    (SELECT t_ref from (select t_id t_ref,client_ref_ client_ref_ from C c
                        select t_ref t_ref,client_ref_ client_ref_ from B b) 
                       tmp where tmp.client_ref = client_ref_)
return l_date;
     prep ( t_ref, idx ) as (
       select  b.t_ref, 1
         from  table_B b 
         where b.client_ref = :client_ref 
       union all
       select  c.t_ref, 2
         from  table_C c 
         where c.client_ref = :client_ref 
select max(a.l_date) keep (dense_rank first order by p.idx) -- into l_date
from   table_A a inner join prep p
                 on a.t_ref = p.t_ref

解释:首先扫描 table_B 匹配 client_ref 的行;如果找到任何东西,请收集它们并附上 "index" 的 1。然后扫描 table_C 并执行相同的操作,但使用索引 2。 (如果 table_C 非常大,那么在 table_B 中找到 :client_ref 是浪费时间;如果这是一个问题,可以用更多的代码来解决)。然后将 table_A 连接到将这两组行放在一起的结果。 keep dense_rank first... 将确保 max(l_date) 只考虑具有 idx = 1 的行,但如果不存在这样的行,则只考虑具有 idx = 2 的行。

如果在表 B 和 C 中均未找到 :client_ref,则结果 max(l_date) 将为 null

我用 :clent_ref 作为绑定变量编写了查询,这样我就可以测试查询;您可以将其更改为您的变量名称 client_ref_