比较日期的 strptime 替代方法?

alternative to strptime for comparing dates?


我正在查看一个非常大的日志文件,每一行都有一个日期,我需要比较该日期以查看该日期是否在其他两个日期的范围内。我必须使用 strptime 转换每一行的每个日期,这会导致很大的瓶颈;

Fri Sep  2 15:12:43 2016    output2.file

         63518075 function calls (63517618 primitive calls) in 171.409 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time
   List reduced from 571 to 10 due to restriction <10>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.003    0.003  171.410  171.410 script.py:3(<module>)
        1    0.429    0.429  171.367  171.367 scipt.py:1074(main)
        1    3.357    3.357  162.009  162.009 script.py:695(get_data)
  1569898   14.088    0.000  141.175    0.000 script.py:648(check_line)
  1569902    6.899    0.000   71.706    0.000 {built-in method strptime}
  1569902   31.198    0.000   64.805    0.000 /usr/lib64/python2.7/_strptime.py:295(_strptime)
  1569876   15.324    0.000   43.170    0.000 script.py:626(dict_add)
  4709757   23.370    0.000   23.370    0.000 {method 'strftime' of 'datetime.date' objects}
  1569904    1.655    0.000   18.799    0.000 /usr/lib64/python2.7/_strptime.py:27(_getlang)
  1569899    2.103    0.000   17.452    0.000 script.py:592(reverse)


current_date = 01/Aug/1995:23:59:53


with open(logfile) as file:
    for line in file:
        current_date = strptime_method(line)
        if current_date => end_date:


编辑:谢谢大家,特别是 user2539738。这是基于his/her建议的结果,速度差异大

Fri Sep  2 16:14:59 2016    output3.file

         24270567 function calls (24270110 primitive calls) in 105.466 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time
   List reduced from 571 to 10 due to restriction <10>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.002    0.002  105.466  105.466 script.py:3(<module>)
        1    0.487    0.487  105.433  105.433 script.py:1082(main)
        1    3.159    3.159   95.861   95.861 script.py:702(get_data)
  1569898   21.663    0.000   77.138    0.000 script.py:648(check_line)
  1569876   14.979    0.000   43.408    0.000 script.py:626(dict_add)
  4709757   23.865    0.000   23.865    0.000 {method 'strftime' of 'datetime.date' objects}
  1569899    1.943    0.000   15.556    0.000 script.py:592(reverse)
        1    0.000    0.000    9.078    9.078 script.py:1066(print_data)
        1    0.021    0.021    9.044    9.044 script.py:1005(print_ip)
       10    0.001    0.000    7.067    0.707 script.py:778(ip_api)

我假设 current_date 是一个字符串


moDict = {"Aug":8, "Jan":1} #etc


current_date = "01/Aug/1995:23:59:53"

Yr = int(current_date[7:11])
Mo = moDict[(current_date[3:6])]
Day = int(current_date[0:2])

m_date = datetime.datetime(Yr,Mo,Day)


由于您的日期似乎采用固定长度格式,因此解析起来非常容易,您不需要 strptime 来解析。您可以将它们重新排列到 ISO 8601 date/time format 中并直接将它们作为字符串进行比较!

mos = {'Jan': '01', 'Feb': '02', 'Mar': '03', 'Apr': '04', 'May': '05', 'Jun': '06', 'Jul': '07', 'Aug': '08', 'Sep': '09', 'Oct': '10', 'Nov': '11', 'Dec': '12'}

def custom_to_8601(dt):
    return dt[7:11] + '-' + mos[dt[3:6]] + '-' + dt[0:2] + 'T' + dt[12:]

>>> custom_to_8601('01/Aug/1995:23:59:53')

使用 join 代替字符串连接并省略标点符号可能会更快一些:

def comparable_date(dt):
    return ''.join([dt[7:11], mos[dt[3:6]], dt[0:2], dt[12:]])

>>> comparable_date('01/Aug/1995:23:59:53')

运行 cProfile 对我来说,重复 1000000 次会产生这些时间:

  • custom_to_8601: 0.978 秒
  • comparable_date: 0.937 秒
  • 你的原始代码 strptime:15.492 秒
  • 使用 datetime 构造函数的较早答案:1.134 秒