我在哪里可以找到最新的 Spring DM Maven 原型?

Where can I find latest Spring DM Maven archetype?

昨晚我尝试创建新的 spring-osgi-bundle-archetype。

一开始发现1.2.1是提供了Spring2.5.x。创建后,我尝试编译一个空项目。该过程以无法找到 log4j.osgi 的错误结束。

我的问题是:"Is there some Maven archetype which provides access to Spring 3.2.4, which seems to be latest version with OSGI support?"

我读到 Spring DM 变成了 Gemini 蓝图,但找不到任何示例如何将它们组合在一起。

Spring DM 已移动,现在是双子座蓝图:https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/rt.gemini.blueprint Spring DM 服务器成为 Eclipse Virgo。


In late 2009, as a member of the Gemini project proposal, SpringSource contributed Spring Dynamic Modules (also known as Spring OSGi) project to the Eclipse Foundation. Spring DM v2 code base has been moved to Eclipse.org along with its issue tracker and forum. The project became dual licensed under Apache License and EPL. While the name has changed, the code and its functionality remained the same. Existing Spring DM applications can be easily migrated to Eclipse Gemini Blueprint as mentioned in the migration guide. While the project name has changed (to Eclipse Gemini Blueprint) and significant efforts have been made to reflect this in the project documentation and resources, there might be places that we have missed; if you find any, please report them to us.

据我所知,目前还没有原型,但是为 DM 创建一个 Maven 项目并不那么复杂。更复杂的事情是您正在使用的全新环境。

我会向您推荐 "greenpages example",如果您是 osgi/blueprint 的新手,它非常有用:https://www.eclipse.org/virgo/documentation/greenpages-documentation-2.4.0.RELEASE/docs/htmlsingle/greenpages-guide.html