
Can we have percentage width in a fixed layout webpage?

我想了解固定的、流畅的和响应式的网页设计,我浏览过的网站之一是 fixed or fluid,这里说 "A fixed website layout has a wrapper that is a fixed width, and the components inside it have either percentage widths or fixed widths." 固定布局可以有百分比宽度,这就是让我困惑的地方。给百分比宽度不是只适用于流体布局吗?这不是使流体流动的原因吗?有人可以解释一下吗?

文章说"the components inside it have either percentage widths or fixed widths"



容器组件为1000px固定宽度。两个内部组件的宽度分别为 70% 和 30%。第一个永远是700px,第二个永远是300px。

<body style="width: 1000px">

    <div style="width: 70%">Component #1, will always be 700px width</div>
    <div style="width: 30%">Component #2, will always be 300px width</div>


如文章中所写:"The important thing is that the container (wrapper) element is set to not move"。如果去掉容器元素的固定尺寸1000px,就会失去固定布局。