如何在 R 中生成 bin 频率 table?

How to generate bin frequency table in R?

如何为以下示例装箱大小为 0.1 的数据。

range        frequency
0.1-0.2       a
0.2-0.3       b
0.3-0.4       c



 as.data.frame(table(cut(x, breaks=seq(0,1, by=0.1))))

关于@akrun 解决方案,我会 post 从文档 ?cut 中找到一些有用的东西,以防:


Instead of table(cut(x, br)), hist(x, br, plot = FALSE) is more efficient and less memory hungry.


br = seq(0,1,by=0.1)

ranges = paste(head(br,-1), br[-1], sep=" - ")
freq   = hist(x, breaks=br, include.lowest=TRUE, plot=FALSE)

data.frame(range = ranges, frequency = freq$counts)

#       range frequency
#1    0 - 0.1         2
#2  0.1 - 0.2         1
#3  0.2 - 0.3         3
#4  0.3 - 0.4         5
#5  0.4 - 0.5         4
#6  0.5 - 0.6         1
#7  0.6 - 0.7         2
#8  0.7 - 0.8         0
#10   0.9 - 1         1

Akrun 的回答很好,但我没有完全理解格式。


cuts<-cut(x, breaks=seq(0,1, by=0.1))

#Here's the important part for me, formatting the cuts for display in the data frame:

labs <- levels(cuts)
lable_matrix<-cbind(lower = as.numeric( sub("\((.+),.*", "\1", labs) ),
  upper = as.numeric( sub("[^,]*,([^]]*)\]", "\1", labs) ))


#   lower upper counts  
#1    0.0   0.1      2  
#2    0.1   0.2      1  
#3    0.2   0.3      3  
#4    0.3   0.4      5  
#5    0.4   0.5      4  
#6    0.5   0.6      1  
#7    0.6   0.7      2  
#8    0.7   0.8      0  
#9    0.8   0.9      1  
#10   0.9   1.0      1  

基于@Colonel Beauvel 的回答,

bin 频率 table 函数。 (直方图 table)。

binFreqTable <- function(x, bins) {

  freq = hist(x, breaks=bins, include.lowest=TRUE, plot=FALSE)

  ranges = paste(head(freq$breaks,-1), freq$breaks[-1], sep=" - ")

  return(data.frame(range = ranges, frequency = freq$counts))



> binFreqTable(x,c(0,.3,.6,1))
#      range frequency
#1   0 - 0.3         6
#2 0.3 - 0.6        10
#3   0.6 - 1         4

> binFreqTable(x,5)
#      range frequency
#1   0 - 0.2         3
#2 0.2 - 0.4         8
#3 0.4 - 0.6         5
#4 0.6 - 0.8         2
#5   0.8 - 1         2

> binFreqTable(x,seq(0,1,by=0.1))
#       range frequency
#1    0 - 0.1         2
#2  0.1 - 0.2         1
#3  0.2 - 0.3         3
#4  0.3 - 0.4         5
#5  0.4 - 0.5         4
#6  0.5 - 0.6         1
#7  0.6 - 0.7         2
#8  0.7 - 0.8         0
#9  0.8 - 0.9         1
#10   0.9 - 1         1


x <- sort(x)
start <- min(x)
len <- 0.002
end <- start + len
freq_table <- data.frame(start=c(NA), end=c(NA), count=c(NA))
count <- 0
for (i in (1:length(x))) {
  if (x[i] < end && x[i] >= start) {
    count <- count + 1
  } else {
    freq_table <- rbind(freq_table, c(start, end, count))
    i <- i - 1
    count <- 0
    start <- end
    end <- end + len
