Chrome 上的箭头函数 iOS

Arrow functions on Chrome for iOS

当我在 iPhone 6s 上使用 Chrome 访问我的网站时,我的 d3.js 图表显示不正确。


但是如果我检查,它说 Chrome 确实支持箭头函数。该网站没有为 iOS 列出 Chrome,但这应该有很大的不同吗?


Chrome for iOS has some pretty major technical restrictions imposed by the App Store, such as the requirement to use the built-in UIWebView for rendering, no V8, and a single-process model. As a result it’s been challenging to re-use critical Chromium infrastructure components. That said, there is a lot of code we do leverage, such as the network layer, the sync and bookmarks infrastructure, omnibox, metrics and crash reporting, and a growing portion of content.


But if I check, it says that Chrome does support arrow functions. The website hasn't listed Chrome for iOS, but should it make a big difference?

因此,您可能会检查是否支持您正在寻找的功能,iOS Safari 不支持 ChromeChromeiOS 中使用的渲染引擎与台式机不同。

你最好在将代码发布到生产环境之前编译你的代码,例如 babel.js。这样,您可以随心所欲地编写代码,然后以优雅降级的方式将其部署到平台。

Does it also mean that I cannot use, Array.forEach(), etc?

Array.mapArray.forEach 来自 ES5ES5 得到广泛支持。试一试,我认为它们会起作用。