是否可以将 class 的实例转换为子 class 的实例?

Is it possible to convert instance of a class to an instance of a subclass?

我最近遇到一个案例,将 class 的实例转换为子 class 的实例非常方便,而实例是在父 [=] 中创建的27=]。但我从未见过这样的事情。那么有没有办法做这样的事情:

class Foo {
  var name: String

class Bar: Foo {
  var friendName: String

let foo = Foo(name: "Alice")
foo.toBar(friendName: "Bob")
// foo now of type Bar, as if I'd done
// foo = Bar(name: "Alice", friendName: "Bob")


===edit=== 有意义的用例描述


protocol BookMetaDelegate {
  func onReadStatusUpdate()

/// describe a book
class BookMeta {
  var delegate: BookMetaDelegate?
  private var _hasBeenRead: Bool
  var hasBeenRead: Bool {
    get {
      return _hasBeenRead
    set {
      guard newValue != _hasBeenRead else { return }
      _hasBeenRead = newValue
  var title: String

/// contains all the content of a book
class Book: BookMeta {
  var content: BookContent
  var lastPageRead: Int

  /// some logic that only makes sense in a Book instance
  func getLastPageRead() {
    return content.getPage(lastPageRead)


class BookPreview: UIView, BookMetaDelegate {
  var book: BookMeta
  init(book: BookMeta) {
    book.delegate = self
  func onReadStatusUpdate() {
    print("read status has changed! UI should update")

class BookView: UIView {
  var book: Book
  init(book: Book) {
    book.hasBeenRead = true


fetch(bookMetaWithId: 123).then { bookMeta in // bookMeta is of type BookMeta
  let preview = BookPreview(book: bookMeta)

  fetch(contentOf: bookMeta).then { content, lastPageRead in
    bookMeta.asBook(content: content, lastPageRead: lastPageRead)
    let bookView = BookView(book: bookMeta) // doing so will change the hasBeenRead flag and message the instance's delegate, ie the preview


class Foo {
  var name: String

class Bar: Foo {
  var friendName: String

class Bla: Foo {
  var surname: String

func something(foo: Foo) {
  foo.toBla(surname: "Will")

let bar = Bar(name: "Alice", friendName: "Bob")
something(foo: bar) // what does that do ??? is bar a Bla now ?
