
Make this function tacit


-- Cycle with respect to whitespace (currently only spaces).
-- Given a source string and its length, and a longer target string
-- (which may contain spaces) match the source to target such that:
-- 1. both will have the same length
-- 2. spaces in the target string will remain spaces
-- 3. chars from the source string will be cycled
-- Example:
-- src: "ALLY", len: 4
-- target: "MEET AT DAWN"
-- Result: "ALLY AL LYAL"                  
cycleWS :: String -> Int -> String -> String
cycleWS str len = fst . (foldr (\x (s, n) -> if x == ' ' then (s ++ " ", n) else (s ++ [str !! (n `mod` len)], n + 1)) ("", 0))

我严重怀疑这个特定的函数是否可以通过以无点样式编写来变得更简单。例如,这是我从 pointfree.io 得到的:

cycleWS = ((fst .) .) . flip flip (([]), 0) . (foldr .) . flip flip snd . ((flip . (ap .)) .) . flip flip fst . ((flip . ((.) .) . flip (ap . (ap .) . (. ((,) . (++ " "))) . (.) . if' . (' ' ==))) .) . flip flip (1 +) . ((flip . (liftM2 (,) .) . flip ((.) . (++))) .) . flip flip ([]) . ((flip . ((:) .)) .) . (. flip mod) . (.) . (!!)

遵循@Reid Barton 的建议:

-- Cycle with respect to whitespace (currently only spaces).
-- Given a source string and its length, and a longer target string
-- (which may contain spaces) match the source to target such that:
-- 1. both will have the same length
-- 2. spaces in the target string will remain spaces
-- 3. chars from the source string will be cycled
-- Example:
-- src: "ALLY", len: 4
-- target: "MEET AT DAWN"
-- Result: "ALLY AL LYAL"                  
cycleWS :: String -> String -> String
cycleWS = align . cycle

-- Align with respect to spaces.
-- Given two strings, source and target, align the source to target such that:
-- 1. both will have the same length
-- 2. spaces in the target string will remain spaces
-- Assume the source string is long enough 
align :: String -> String -> String
align [] _  = []
align _ [] = []
align (x:xs) (y:ys) = if isSpace y then y : align (x:xs) ys else x : align xs ys