检查对象是否是构造函数 - IsConstructor
Check if object is a constructor - IsConstructor
我想检查一个 JavaScript 值是否是一个构造函数,也就是说,它是否有一个 [[Construct]] 内部方法。
ECMAScript 定义了 IsConstructor,正是这样做的,但它是一个内部操作。
所以我想效仿一下。我考虑过在 try
function isConstructor(value) {
try {
return new value(), true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
function isConstructor(value) {
try {
return new value(), true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
var tests = 0,
failed = 0;
function test(value, expected, msg) {
try {
var result = isConstructor(window.eval(value));
} catch(err) {
result = err;
if(result !== expected) {
console.log('Testing: ' + value + '\nMessage: ' + msg + '\nResult: ' + result + '\nExpected: ' + expected);
function testEnd() {
console.log(failed + ' out of ' + tests + ' tests failed.');
test('undefined', false, 'undefined is not a constructor');
test('null', false, 'null is not a constructor');
test('true', false, 'booleans are not constructors');
test('0', false, 'numbers are not constructors');
test('"abc"', false, 'strings are not constructors');
test('Symbol()', false, 'symbols are not constructors');
test('({})', false, '{} is not a constructor');
test('[]', false, 'arrays are not constructors');
test('(function(){})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){throw TypeError()})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){}.bind())', true, 'bounded normal functions are constructors');
test('() => {}', false, 'arrow functions are not constructors');
test('((() => {}).bind())', false, 'bounded arrow functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){})', false, 'generator functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){}.bind())', false, 'bounded generator functions are not constructors');
test('(class{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('(class extends function(){}{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('new Proxy([],{})', false, 'proxies whose target is not constructor are not constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{get:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{construct:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('var r1 = Proxy.revocable([],{}); r1.proxy', false, 'revocable proxies whose target is not a constructor are notconstructors');
test('r1.revoke(); r1.proxy', false, 'revoked proxies whose target was not a constructor are not constructors');
test('var r2 = Proxy.revocable(function(){},{}); r2.proxy', true, 'revocable proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('r2.revoke(); r2.proxy', true, 'revoked proxies whose target was a constructor are constructors');
function isConstructor(value) {
if(value === null) return false;
try {
return class extends value {}, true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
function isConstructor(value) {
if(value === null) return false;
try {
return class extends value {}, true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
var tests = 0,
failed = 0;
function test(value, expected, msg) {
try {
var result = isConstructor(window.eval(value));
} catch(err) {
result = err;
if(result !== expected) {
console.log('Testing: ' + value + '\nMessage: ' + msg + '\nResult: ' + result + '\nExpected: ' + expected);
function testEnd() {
console.log(failed + ' out of ' + tests + ' tests failed.');
test('undefined', false, 'undefined is not a constructor');
test('null', false, 'null is not a constructor');
test('true', false, 'booleans are not constructors');
test('0', false, 'numbers are not constructors');
test('"abc"', false, 'strings are not constructors');
test('Symbol()', false, 'symbols are not constructors');
test('({})', false, '{} is not a constructor');
test('[]', false, 'arrays are not constructors');
test('(function(){})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){throw TypeError()})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){}.bind())', true, 'bounded normal functions are constructors');
test('() => {}', false, 'arrow functions are not constructors');
test('((() => {}).bind())', false, 'bounded arrow functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){})', false, 'generator functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){}.bind())', false, 'bounded generator functions are not constructors');
test('(class{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('(class extends function(){}{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('new Proxy([],{})', false, 'proxies whose target is not constructor are not constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{get:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{construct:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('var r1 = Proxy.revocable([],{}); r1.proxy', false, 'revocable proxies whose target is not a constructor are notconstructors');
test('r1.revoke(); r1.proxy', false, 'revoked proxies whose target was not a constructor are not constructors');
test('var r2 = Proxy.revocable(function(){},{}); r2.proxy', true, 'revocable proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('r2.revoke(); r2.proxy', true, 'revoked proxies whose target was a constructor are constructors');
有什么方法可以可靠地测试它吗?如果不在 ES6 或 ES7 中,也许在某些草案或提议的功能中?
这基于 Jason Orendorff on esdicuss 发布的代码。
function isConstructor(value) {
try {
new new Proxy(value, {construct() { return {}; }});
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
function isConstructor(value) {
try {
new new Proxy(value, {construct() { return {}; }});
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
var tests = 0,
failed = 0;
function test(value, expected, msg) {
try {
var result = isConstructor(window.eval(value));
} catch(err) {
result = err;
if(result !== expected) {
console.log('Testing: ' + value + '\nMessage: ' + msg + '\nResult: ' + result + '\nExpected: ' + expected);
function testEnd() {
console.log(failed + ' out of ' + tests + ' tests failed.');
test('undefined', false, 'undefined is not a constructor');
test('null', false, 'null is not a constructor');
test('true', false, 'booleans are not constructors');
test('0', false, 'numbers are not constructors');
test('"abc"', false, 'strings are not constructors');
test('Symbol()', false, 'symbols are not constructors');
test('({})', false, '{} is not a constructor');
test('[]', false, 'arrays are not constructors');
test('(function(){})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){throw TypeError()})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){}.bind())', true, 'bounded normal functions are constructors');
test('() => {}', false, 'arrow functions are not constructors');
test('((() => {}).bind())', false, 'bounded arrow functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){})', false, 'generator functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){}.bind())', false, 'bounded generator functions are not constructors');
test('(class{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('(class extends function(){}{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('new Proxy([],{})', false, 'proxies whose target is not constructor are not constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{get:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{construct:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('var r1 = Proxy.revocable([],{}); r1.proxy', false, 'revocable proxies whose target is not a constructor are notconstructors');
test('r1.revoke(); r1.proxy', false, 'revoked proxies whose target was not a constructor are not constructors');
test('var r2 = Proxy.revocable(function(){},{}); r2.proxy', true, 'revocable proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('r2.revoke(); r2.proxy', true, 'revoked proxies whose target was a constructor are constructors');
如果代理对象的初始目标是构造函数,则代理对象只是构造函数。来自 ProxyCreate、
If target has a [[Construct]] internal method, then
- Set the [[Construct]] internal method of P as specified in 9.5.14.
您可能想要 以便以不同的方式处理这种情况。
我想检查一个 JavaScript 值是否是一个构造函数,也就是说,它是否有一个 [[Construct]] 内部方法。
ECMAScript 定义了 IsConstructor,正是这样做的,但它是一个内部操作。
所以我想效仿一下。我考虑过在 try
function isConstructor(value) {
try {
return new value(), true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
function isConstructor(value) {
try {
return new value(), true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
var tests = 0,
failed = 0;
function test(value, expected, msg) {
try {
var result = isConstructor(window.eval(value));
} catch(err) {
result = err;
if(result !== expected) {
console.log('Testing: ' + value + '\nMessage: ' + msg + '\nResult: ' + result + '\nExpected: ' + expected);
function testEnd() {
console.log(failed + ' out of ' + tests + ' tests failed.');
test('undefined', false, 'undefined is not a constructor');
test('null', false, 'null is not a constructor');
test('true', false, 'booleans are not constructors');
test('0', false, 'numbers are not constructors');
test('"abc"', false, 'strings are not constructors');
test('Symbol()', false, 'symbols are not constructors');
test('({})', false, '{} is not a constructor');
test('[]', false, 'arrays are not constructors');
test('(function(){})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){throw TypeError()})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){}.bind())', true, 'bounded normal functions are constructors');
test('() => {}', false, 'arrow functions are not constructors');
test('((() => {}).bind())', false, 'bounded arrow functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){})', false, 'generator functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){}.bind())', false, 'bounded generator functions are not constructors');
test('(class{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('(class extends function(){}{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('new Proxy([],{})', false, 'proxies whose target is not constructor are not constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{get:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{construct:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('var r1 = Proxy.revocable([],{}); r1.proxy', false, 'revocable proxies whose target is not a constructor are notconstructors');
test('r1.revoke(); r1.proxy', false, 'revoked proxies whose target was not a constructor are not constructors');
test('var r2 = Proxy.revocable(function(){},{}); r2.proxy', true, 'revocable proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('r2.revoke(); r2.proxy', true, 'revoked proxies whose target was a constructor are constructors');
function isConstructor(value) {
if(value === null) return false;
try {
return class extends value {}, true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
function isConstructor(value) {
if(value === null) return false;
try {
return class extends value {}, true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
var tests = 0,
failed = 0;
function test(value, expected, msg) {
try {
var result = isConstructor(window.eval(value));
} catch(err) {
result = err;
if(result !== expected) {
console.log('Testing: ' + value + '\nMessage: ' + msg + '\nResult: ' + result + '\nExpected: ' + expected);
function testEnd() {
console.log(failed + ' out of ' + tests + ' tests failed.');
test('undefined', false, 'undefined is not a constructor');
test('null', false, 'null is not a constructor');
test('true', false, 'booleans are not constructors');
test('0', false, 'numbers are not constructors');
test('"abc"', false, 'strings are not constructors');
test('Symbol()', false, 'symbols are not constructors');
test('({})', false, '{} is not a constructor');
test('[]', false, 'arrays are not constructors');
test('(function(){})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){throw TypeError()})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){}.bind())', true, 'bounded normal functions are constructors');
test('() => {}', false, 'arrow functions are not constructors');
test('((() => {}).bind())', false, 'bounded arrow functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){})', false, 'generator functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){}.bind())', false, 'bounded generator functions are not constructors');
test('(class{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('(class extends function(){}{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('new Proxy([],{})', false, 'proxies whose target is not constructor are not constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{get:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{construct:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('var r1 = Proxy.revocable([],{}); r1.proxy', false, 'revocable proxies whose target is not a constructor are notconstructors');
test('r1.revoke(); r1.proxy', false, 'revoked proxies whose target was not a constructor are not constructors');
test('var r2 = Proxy.revocable(function(){},{}); r2.proxy', true, 'revocable proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('r2.revoke(); r2.proxy', true, 'revoked proxies whose target was a constructor are constructors');
有什么方法可以可靠地测试它吗?如果不在 ES6 或 ES7 中,也许在某些草案或提议的功能中?
这基于 Jason Orendorff on esdicuss 发布的代码。
function isConstructor(value) {
try {
new new Proxy(value, {construct() { return {}; }});
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
function isConstructor(value) {
try {
new new Proxy(value, {construct() { return {}; }});
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
var tests = 0,
failed = 0;
function test(value, expected, msg) {
try {
var result = isConstructor(window.eval(value));
} catch(err) {
result = err;
if(result !== expected) {
console.log('Testing: ' + value + '\nMessage: ' + msg + '\nResult: ' + result + '\nExpected: ' + expected);
function testEnd() {
console.log(failed + ' out of ' + tests + ' tests failed.');
test('undefined', false, 'undefined is not a constructor');
test('null', false, 'null is not a constructor');
test('true', false, 'booleans are not constructors');
test('0', false, 'numbers are not constructors');
test('"abc"', false, 'strings are not constructors');
test('Symbol()', false, 'symbols are not constructors');
test('({})', false, '{} is not a constructor');
test('[]', false, 'arrays are not constructors');
test('(function(){})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){throw TypeError()})', true, 'normal functions are constructors');
test('(function(){}.bind())', true, 'bounded normal functions are constructors');
test('() => {}', false, 'arrow functions are not constructors');
test('((() => {}).bind())', false, 'bounded arrow functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){})', false, 'generator functions are not constructors');
test('(function*(){}.bind())', false, 'bounded generator functions are not constructors');
test('(class{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('(class extends function(){}{})', true, 'classes are constructors');
test('new Proxy([],{})', false, 'proxies whose target is not constructor are not constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{get:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('new Proxy(function(){},{construct:()=>{throw TypeError()}})', true, 'proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('var r1 = Proxy.revocable([],{}); r1.proxy', false, 'revocable proxies whose target is not a constructor are notconstructors');
test('r1.revoke(); r1.proxy', false, 'revoked proxies whose target was not a constructor are not constructors');
test('var r2 = Proxy.revocable(function(){},{}); r2.proxy', true, 'revocable proxies whose target is a constructor are constructors');
test('r2.revoke(); r2.proxy', true, 'revoked proxies whose target was a constructor are constructors');
如果代理对象的初始目标是构造函数,则代理对象只是构造函数。来自 ProxyCreate、
If target has a [[Construct]] internal method, then
- Set the [[Construct]] internal method of P as specified in 9.5.14.