Android 根证书,按 Android 版本

Android Root Certificates, by Android Version

对于 iOS 的每个版本,Apple 发布了一份嵌入式根证书列表:

我无法为 Android 找到类似的东西,我想知道这些是否会因设备供应商而异,或者它们是否都共享一个公共集作为 Android 的一部分?

我的目标是获得 public CA 的列表,这些 CA 在 Android 和 iOS 中都是通用的(每个都有一些最低版本)


Linux: There is no central root certificate program as part of Linux. When running on Linux, Google Chrome uses the Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) library to perform certificate verification. When packaged or built from source, NSS includes certificates vetted according to the Mozilla Root Certificate Program. For most Linux users, it is sufficient that once included in the Mozilla Root Program, users of Google Chrome should see your root CA as trusted. However, please be aware that Linux distributions which package NSS may further alter this list with additions or removals based on local, distribution-specific root certificate programs, if any.

Android: Please file a bug at .

Note that, similar to Linux, the certificates included within the Android sources may be further altered by device manufacturers or carriers, pursuant to their local programs.

Mozilla 捆绑包: