How to resolve this error: Argument 1 passed to Zend_Mail_Message::__construct() must be of the type array, none given

How to resolve this error: Argument 1 passed to Zend_Mail_Message::__construct() must be of the type array, none given

我在控制器中的代码: `

public function filetransport()
        $message = new Zend_Mail_Message();

        ->setSubject('Greetings and Salutations!')
        ->setBody("Sorry, I'm going to be late today!");

        // Setup File transport
        $transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_File();
                'path'              => 'data/mail/',
                'callback'  => function (Zend_Mail_Transport_File $transport) {
                return 'Message_' . microtime(true) . '_' . mt_rand() . '.txt';


创建 Zend_Mail_Message 的实例时抛出 error.The 错误是

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Zend_Mail_Message::__construct()
must be of the type array, none given,
called in C:\xampp\htdocs\Zend-Mailer\application\controllers\IndexController.php on line 102
and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\Zend-Mailer\library\Zend\Mail\Message.php on line 57


根据 Zend documentation Zend_Mail_Message 接受一个参数作为参数。您没有传递任何参数。这就是您收到此错误的原因。

__construct(array $params)

In addition to the parameters of Zend_Mail_Part::__construct() this constructor supports:

  • file filename or file handle of a file with raw message content
  • flags array with flags for message, keys are ignored, use constants defined in Zend_Mail_Storage Inherited_from \Zend_Mail_Part::__construct()

来自 Zend_Mail_Part docs

Zend_Mail_Part supports different sources for content. The possible params are:

  • handler a instance of Zend_Mail_Storage_Abstract for late fetch
  • id number of message for handler
  • raw raw content with header and body as string
  • headers headers as array (name => value) or string, if a content part is found it's used as toplines
  • noToplines ignore content found after headers in param 'headers'
  • content content as string

这意味着,正如错误所说,您在构造函数中缺少 params 数组。