解决“对 [costum class] 的未定义引用的问题

problems solving "undefined reference to [costum class]


对 `Lines2D::Point2D::~Point2D()' 的未定义引用 engine.cc /Graphicsengine 第 20 行 C/C++ 问题

我调用 "Lines2D.h" class 的每个对象都收到此错误,所以我可能在那里做错了。


"EasyImage.h"、"lparser.h" 和 "ini_configuration.hh" 是我的导师提供的文件,你可以假设这些文件是正确编写的(也没有与这些相关的错误)。

#include "EasyImage.h"
#include "lparser.h"
#include "ini_configuration.hh"
#include "Lines2D.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <set>

img::EasyImage LSystem2D(unsigned int size, ini::DoubleTuple backgroundcolor, LParser::LSystem2D System, ini::DoubleTuple color)
img::EasyImage image(size, size);
std::string replacementstring;
std::string string = System.get_initiator();
std::set<char> const alphabet = System.get_alphabet();
Lines2D::Lines2D Lines;
Lines2D::Point2D currentpos(0,0); //Undefined reference error here
Lines2D::Point2D newpos(0,0);     //Undefined reference error here
img::Color linecolor(color.at(0)*255,color.at(1)*255,color.at(2)*255);
double angle = System.get_angle();
double currentangle = System.get_starting_angle();
for(unsigned int j = 0; j != System.get_nr_iterations(); j++)
    for(char& c : string)
        if(alphabet.count(c) != 0)
            replacementstring += c;
    string = replacementstring;
    std::cout << string << std::endl;
for(char& c : string)
    if(alphabet.count(c) != 0)
        newpos.X = currentpos.X+cos(currentangle);
        newpos.Y = currentpos.Y+(1/sin(currentangle));
            Lines.push_back(Lines2D::Line2D(currentpos,newpos,linecolor)); //Undefined reference error here
            currentpos = newpos;
            currentpos = newpos;

    else if(c=='-')
        currentangle -= angle;
    else if(c=='+')
        currentangle += angle;
    if(currentangle > 360){currentangle -= 360;}
    if(currentangle < -360){currentangle += 360;}
Lines2D::Drawlines2D(Lines, size); //Undefined reference error here
return image;


#ifndef LINES2D_H_
#define LINES2D_H_

#include "EasyImage.h"
#include "ini_configuration.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <list>

using namespace std;

namespace Lines2D
    class Point2D
        double X;
        double Y;
        Point2D(double x, double y);
    class Line2D
        Point2D p1;
        Point2D p2;
        img::Color color;
        Line2D(Point2D &P1, Point2D &P2, img::Color &c);
    typedef list<Line2D> Lines2D;
    inline int roundtoint(double d);
    void Drawlines2D(Lines2D &lines, int size);

#endif /* LINES2D_H_ */


#include "Lines2D.h"
#include "EasyImage.h"
#include "ini_configuration.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <list>

using namespace std;

    class Point2D
        double X;
        double Y;
        Point2D() :
        Point2D(double &x, double &y) :
            X(x), Y(y)

    class Line2D{
        Point2D p1;
        Point2D p2;
        img::Color color;
        Line2D() :
            p1(), p2(), color()
        Line2D(Point2D &P1, Point2D &P2, img::Color &c) :
            p1(P1.X, P1.Y), p2(P2.X, P2.Y), color(c.red, c.green, c.blue)

    typedef list<Line2D> Lines2D;

    inline int roundtoint(double d)
        return d < 0?

    void Drawlines2D(Lines2D &lines, int size)
        img::EasyImage image(size, size);
        double imgmaxX = lines.begin()->p1.X; //min/max are initialized with a value from the list in order
        double imgmaxY = lines.begin()->p1.Y; //to be able to compare it to other values while avoiding
        double imgminX = lines.begin()->p1.X; //initializing it with a lower/higher value than any other
        double imgminY = lines.begin()->p1.Y; //value in the list of points.
        for(std::list<Line2D>::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); i++)
            imgmaxX = max(imgmaxX, max(i->p1.X, i->p2.X));
            imgmaxY = max(imgmaxY, max(i->p1.Y, i->p2.Y));
            imgminX = min(imgminX, min(i->p1.X, i->p2.X));
            imgminY = min(imgminY, min(i->p1.Y, i->p2.Y));
        double Xrange = imgmaxX-imgminX;
        double Yrange = imgmaxY-imgminY;
        double ImageX = size*(Xrange/max(Xrange, Yrange));
        double ImageY = size*(Yrange/max(Xrange, Yrange));
        double d = (0.95*(ImageX/Xrange));
        double DCx = d*(imgminX + imgmaxX);
        double DCy = d*(imgminY + imgmaxY);
        double dX = (ImageX/2 - DCx);
        double dY = (ImageY/2 - DCy);
        for(std::list<Line2D>::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); i++)
            i->p1.X = ((i->p1.X*d)+dX);
            i->p1.Y = ((i->p1.Y*d)+dY);
            i->p2.X = ((i->p2.X*d)+dX);
            i->p2.Y = ((i->p2.Y*d)+dY);
            unsigned int x1 = roundtoint(i->p1.X);
            unsigned int y1 = roundtoint(i->p1.Y);
            unsigned int x2 = roundtoint(i->p2.X);
            unsigned int y2 = roundtoint(i->p2.Y);

header定义了类Point2DLine2D,成员函数在源文件中定义。相反,源文件定义了具有相同名称但位于本地名称空间中的不同 类。 "public" 类 未实现。

Lines2D.cc 中删除本地命名空间,并改为定义在 header:

namespace Lines2D {
    Point2D::Point2D() : X(0), Y(0) {}
    Point2D::Point2D(double x, double y) : X(x), Y(y) {}
    Point2D::~Point2D() {} // or just get rid of this pointless destructor

    // likewise for Lines2D and the two non-member functions

最后,如果您只想在这个源文件中使用它,您应该从 header 中删除 roundtoint 的声明;或者从中删除 inline 或在 header 中定义它,如果您希望它普遍可用。