为每个日期更新 table 并添加另一个 table 的剩余站点

Update table for each date and add remaining sites from another table


ID  Site    Start Time  End Time    
1   A   30-12-2014 16:06:54 30-12-2014 16:39:52    
2   B   30-12-2014 12:12:50 30-12-2014 12:13:52    
3   C   31-12-2014 12:14:23 31-12-2014 12:15:22    
4   A   01-01-2015 12:20:29 01-01-2015 12:23:32    
5   B   01-01-2015 12:28:49 01-01-2015 12:29:47    

我有另一个 table 'list',其中包含网站列表-


我需要一个输出 table,其中对于每个日期,'list' 中的所有站点都包含在其中 -

ID  Site    Start Time  End Time    
1   A   30-12-2014 16:06:54 30-12-2014 16:39:52    
2   B   30-12-2014 12:12:50 30-12-2014 12:13:52    
NULL    C   30-12-2014 00:00:00 30-12-2014 00:00:00    
NULL    A   31-12-2014 00:00:00 31-12-2014 00:00:00     
NULL    B   31-12-2014 00:00:00 31-12-2014 00:00:00    
3   C   31-12-2014 12:14:23 31-12-2014 12:15:22    
4   A   01-01-2015 12:20:29 01-01-2015 12:23:32    
5   B   01-01-2015 12:28:49 01-01-2015 12:29:47    
NULL    C   01-01-2015 00:00:00 01-01-2015 00:00:00    

到目前为止,我一直table 将每个日期的 'test' table 分成中间 table 和 select 不匹配的站点'list'table。我被循环困住了。请帮忙


ALTER TABLE [test] ADD [DATE] date;

update [test]
set [DATE] = CAST(Start Time] as Date)

select t1.[Site]
from list t1
left join test t2 on t1.[site]=t2.[site] where t2.site is null;

select distinct [DATE] into #Temp1 from [test]
order by [DATE];

select [DATE], row_number()over(order by ([Date])asc) as [Row] into #Temp2 from #Temp1;
drop table #Temp1;

declare @row int
select @row = 0
while ( @row <= (select COUNT(*) from #Temp2))
select @row = 1 + @row
select c.* into #temp3
select a.* , b.[DATE] as b_date, b.[row]
from test a
inner join #Temp2 b
on a.[Date] = b.[Date] where b.[row] = @row
) c

您可以使用 select:

select t.id, l.site, coalesce(t.starttime, d.d) as starttime, coalesce(t.endtime, d.d) as endtime
from list l cross join
     (select distinct cast(starttime as date) as d from test) d left join
     test t
     on t.site = l.site and cast(t.starttime as date) = d.d;

您可以使用类似的逻辑将不匹配的行插入 table:

insert into test(id, site, starttime, endtime)
    select t.id, l.site, d.d, d.d
    from list l cross join
         (select distinct cast(starttime as date) as d from test) d left join
         test t
         on t.site = l.site and cast(t.starttime as date) = d.d
    where t.site is null;


Declare @t table(ID int, Site varchar(50),StartTime datetime,EndTime datetime)
insert into @t    values
(1,   'A',   '12-30-2014 16:06:54','12-30-2014 16:39:52'),
(2 ,  'B',   '12-30-2014 12:12:50','12-30-2014 12:13:52'),    
(3  , 'C',   '12-31-2014 12:14:23','12-31-2014 12:15:22'),  
(4 ,  'A',   '01-01-2015 12:20:29','01-01-2015 12:23:32'),
(5,   'B',   '01-01-2015 12:28:49','01-01-2015 12:29:47')   
dECLARE @lIST TABLE(Site varchar(50))
insert into @lIST values('A'),('B'),('C')

SELECT min(cast(StartTime as date)) st FROM @t 
union all
SELECT dateadd(day,1, st) FROM CTE where 
st<casT('01-01-2015 12:28:49' as date)--max date(can be dynamic)
,CTE1 as
  select * from @lIST a 
  cross apply (select * from cte)b
,CTE2 as
  select y.ID,x.Site
   from CTE1 x
  left join @t y on x.site=y.site and 
  cast(x.st as date)=cast(y.StartTime as date)
