将 Google 地图缩放到 android 中以英里为单位的特定半径

Zooming Google map to specific radius in miles in android

我想 zoom Google map 以英里为单位的特定半径,例如 10 miles/20 miles/30 英里等,根据我在 android 中的条件。

我需要的是从当前经纬度点绘制一个特定半径(10/20/30.. 英里)的圆,并将地图缩放到我绘制半径圆的特定英里。



gooMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(new LatLng(selectedLat, selectedLong), 15));
                    gooMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(10), 2000, null);
                    Log.e("Circle Lat Long:", selectedLat + ", " + selectedLong);
                    circle = gooMap.addCircle(new CircleOptions()
                            .center(new LatLng(selectedLat, selectedLong))
                            .radius(iMiles * 1609.34) // Converting Miles into Meters...

我知道将缩放级别设置为 15 不会将地图缩放到所需的英里数。但我需要缩放地图以达到所需的英里半径。我怎样才能实现它。任何人都可以帮助我吗? 编辑:- 添加的图片详细说明了我的需要。 Image_1:- 当我将半径设置为 10 英里时,地图应如图所示缩放。 Image_2 当我将半径设置为 50 英里时,地图应该如图所示缩放。 请查看地图位置的差异以分析我需要的缩放级别。 提前致谢。

您需要计算刷新视图时屏幕的距离。我不太熟悉新的 API 和视图,但像这样的东西应该可以工作:

  LatLngBounds bounds = map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds;
        double llNeLat = bounds.northeast.latitude;
        double llSwLat = bounds.southwest.latitude;
        double llNeLng = bounds.northeast.longitude;
        double llSwLng = bounds.southwest.longitude;
        float results[] = new float[5];
        Location.distanceBetween(llNeLat, llNeLng, llSwLat, llSwLng, results);
        float radius = results[0];
        // radius is distance top right to bottom left on screen in metres
        // so use maybe 3/4 of this, then conert your miles to that value
        // in metres

然后将该值添加到 addCircle 调用


// Zoom in, animating the camera.
                double iMeter = iMiles * 1609.34;
                circle = gooMap.addCircle(new CircleOptions()
                        .center(new LatLng(selectedLat, selectedLong))
                        .radius(iMeter) // Converting Miles into Meters...
                float currentZoomLevel = getZoomLevel(circle);
                float animateZomm = currentZoomLevel + 5;

                Log.e("Zoom Level:", currentZoomLevel + "");
                Log.e("Zoom Level Animate:", animateZomm + "");

                gooMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(new LatLng(selectedLat, selectedLong), animateZomm));
                gooMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(currentZoomLevel), 2000, null);
                Log.e("Circle Lat Long:", selectedLat + ", " + selectedLong);


public float getZoomLevel(Circle circle) {
        float zoomLevel=0;
        if (circle != null){
            double radius = circle.getRadius();
            double scale = radius / 500;
            zoomLevel =(int) (16 - Math.log(scale) / Math.log(2));
        return zoomLevel +.5f;