
How do I create a new column based on multiple conditions from multiple columns?


> commute <- c("walk", "bike", "subway", "drive", "ferry", "walk", "bike", "subway", "drive", "ferry", "walk", "bike", "subway", "drive", "ferry")
> kids <- c("Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "Yes", "No", "Yes")
> distance <- c(1, 12, 5, 25, 7, 2, "", 8, 19, 7, "", 4, 16, 12, 7)
> df = data.frame(commute, kids, distance)
> df
   commute kids distance
1     walk  Yes        1
2     bike  Yes       12
3   subway   No        5
4    drive   No       25
5    ferry  Yes        7
6     walk  Yes        2
7     bike   No         
8   subway   No        8
9    drive  Yes       19
10   ferry  Yes        7
11    walk   No         
12    bike   No        4
13  subway  Yes       16
14   drive   No       12
15   ferry  Yes        7


commute = walk OR bike OR subway OR ferry
kids = Yes
distance is less than 10

然后我想要一个名为 get.flyer 的新列等于 "Yes"。最终数据框应如下所示:

   commute kids distance get.flyer
1     walk  Yes        1       Yes
2     bike  Yes       12       Yes
3   subway   No        5          
4    drive   No       25          
5    ferry  Yes        7       Yes
6     walk  Yes        2       Yes
7     bike   No                   
8   subway   No        8          
9    drive  Yes       19          
10   ferry  Yes        7       Yes
11    walk   No                   
12    bike   No        4          
13  subway  Yes       16       Yes
14   drive   No       12          
15   ferry  Yes        7       Yes

我们可以使用 %in% 来比较列中的多个元素,& 来检查两个条件是否都为真。

df %>%
     mutate(get.flyer = c("", "Yes")[(commute %in% c("walk", "bike", "subway", "ferry") & 
           as.character(kids) == "Yes" & 
           as.numeric(as.character(distance)) < 10)+1] )

最好用 stringsAsFactors=FALSE 创建 data.frame,因为默认情况下它是 TRUE。如果我们检查str(df),我们可以发现所有列都是factor class。此外,如果存在缺失值,可以使用 NA 代替 "" 来避免将 numeric 列的 class 转换为其他内容。

如果我们重写 'df'

distance <- c(1, 12, 5, 25, 7, 2, NA, 8, 19, 7, NA, 4, 16, 12, 7)
df1 <- data.frame(commute, kids, distance, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


df1 %>%
    mutate(get.flyer = c("", "Yes")[(commute %in% c("walk", "bike", "subway", "ferry") &
        kids == "Yes" &
        distance < 10)+1] )


df1 %>% 
   mutate(get.flyer = ifelse(commute %in% c("walk", "bike", "subway", "ferry") & 
                kids == "Yes" &
                distance < 10, 
                          "Yes", ""))

这也可以使用 base R 方法轻松完成

df1$get.flyer <- with(df1, ifelse(commute %in% c("walk", "bike", "subway", "ferry") & 
              kids == "Yes" & 
              distance < 10, 
                       "Yes", ""))

@akrun 已经指出了解决方案。我想以更 'wrapped up' 的方式呈现它。

您可以使用 ifelse 语句根据一个(或多个)条件创建列。但首先您必须更改距离列中缺失值的 'encoding'。您使用 "" 来指示缺失值,但这会将整个列转换为 string 并禁止数值比较(distance < 10 是不可能的)。 R 表示缺失值的方式是 NA,你的 distance 列定义应该是:

distance <- c(1, 12, 5, 25, 7, 2, NA, 8, 19, 7, NA, 4, 16, 12, 7)

ifelse 语句如下所示:

df$get.flyer <- ifelse(
        (df$commute %in% c("walk", "bike", "subway", "ferry")) &
        (df$kids == "Yes")                                     &
        (df$distance < 10)
    1,  # if condition is met, put 1
    0   # else put 0


  • 您可以使用 TRUEFALSE 而不是 "Yes" 和 "No" 作为 kids 变量
  • 您可以使用 factor 通勤


df$new_column <- apply(df, 1, function(x) grepl(x['first_column_name'], x['second_column_name'], fixed = TRUE))


df$new_column <- # create a new column with name new_column on df
apply(df, 1 # `1` means for each row, `apply(df` means apply the following function on df
function(x) # Function definition to apply on each row, `x` means input row for each row.
grepl(x['first_column_name'], x['second_column_name'], fixed = TRUE)) # Body of function to apply, basically run grepl to find if first_column_name is in second_column_name, fixed = TRUE means don't use regular expression just the plain text from first_column_name.