
Helical Gear Construction: Sweep Profile with Spin (twist)

The goal is to produce a so called helical gear


我已经完成了配置文件生成(TopoDS_Wire --> TopoDS_Face 使用 BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace)- 描绘了齿轮顶部的面。


我考虑过使用 GeomFill_PipeBRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell 但我不知道如何使用它...





齿圈宽度分为几个等级 (nSteps)。对于每一步,所需的旋转角度和平移使用以下公式计算:

rotation_angle = atan( b_TranslationStep * CONST_FACTOR )

在哪里 b_TranslationStep 是轮辋宽度,对应于计算的步长,

CONST_FACTOR = 2 * tan( beta ) / d_a

在哪里 beta为斜齿轮螺旋角 d_a为外圆直径 使用应用于轮辋轮廓的旋转和平移变换,创建定义轮辋形状的截面线。完成后,BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections 使用截面线生成斜齿轮原始轮辋形状。

齿轮轮廓面在 XY 平面中构造,而齿轮的轴线与 Z 轴对齐。 GearProfile 是之前构建的,是一个封闭的线 "containing" 所有的齿。


/* TopoDS_Wire GearProfile is constructed previously - out of the question scope */
TopoDS_Shape HelicalGearRim( const TopoDS_Wire & GearProfile )
    double ToothFaceWidth = 10e-3; /* 10mm */
    double HelixAngle = 0.349; /* [rad] --> 20deg */
    double OutsideDiameter = 42e-3; /* 42mm */
    int nSteps = 10;

    /* Make solid with the faces interpolated */
    BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections tShapeGen( Standard_True, Standard_False );

    /* Instantiate rim profile transformations */
    gp_Trsf RimProfileRotation;
    gp_Trsf RimProfileTranslation;

    /* Initially add the first section wire - the original rim profile */
    tShapeGen.AddWire( RimProfile );

    /* Calculate translation step equal to tooth face width divided by required number of steps */
    const double TranslationStep = ToothFaceWidth / nSteps;

    /* Constant part of rotation angle calculation is referred as factor */
    const double Factor = 2.0 * std::tan( HelixAngle ) / OutsideDiameter;

    /* Calculate rotation angle and translation for each step */
    for( int i = 1; i <= nSteps; i++ )
        /* Setup rotation for current step */
        RimProfileRotation.SetRotation( gp::OZ(), std::atan( i * TranslationStep * Factor ) );

        /* Setup translation for current step */
        RimProfileTranslation.SetTranslation( gp_Vec( 0.0, 0.0, ( i * TranslationStep ) ) );

        /* Apply the transformations */
        BRepBuilderAPI_Transform RotationTransformer( RimProfile, RimProfileRotation );
        BRepBuilderAPI_Transform TranslationTransformer( RotationTransformer.Shape(), RimProfileTranslation );

        /* Add generated wire of current step section */
        tShapeGen.AddWire( TopoDS::Wire( TranslationTransformer.Shape() ) );

    /* Generate the shape out of the section wires created previously */
    return( tShapeGen.Shape() );

