我可以订阅任意电子邮件以接收 GitHub 团队提及吗?

Can I subscribe an arbitrary email to receive GitHub Teams mentions?

虽然我的 team 可能有很多成员,但通常会有值班轮换,如果团队被要求回答问题,其他队友最好有一个存档说的问题,但值班人员应该在他们的工作队列中收到它。在我们的组织中,我们有一种机制可以将电子邮件发送到特定的非用户电子邮件地址并将其转换为内部票证。有没有办法添加非用户订阅,或者是否允许非用户拥有 GitHub 个帐户?是否有我应该考虑的其他模型?

GitHub Terms of Service状态:

A2: You must be a human. Accounts registered by "bots" or other automated methods are not permitted.
A4: Your login may only be used by one person - i.e., a single login may not be shared by multiple people - except that a machine user's actions may be directed by multiple people. You may create separate logins for as many people as your plan allows.

此外,Machine Users 上的页面阐明了 A2:

This means that you cannot automate the creation of accounts. But if you want to create a single machine user for automating tasks such as deploy scripts in your project or organization, that is totally cool.

因此,如果您是创建注册的人,而注册的结果是一个机器用户,它只是 正在收听(即,接收电子-邮件)[并且可能有多人指导的订阅等操作],为了 post 中描述的目的,这似乎很好。此外,从 GitHub 的角度来看,这个用户帐户与一个相对不活跃(被动接收电子邮件)并且话不多的人没有什么不同。

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