Google 驱动器 Api 集成问题

Google Drive Api Integration Issue


需要查看文档的用户不一定有权通过 Google Drive 进行查看,只能通过应用程序进行查看。

目前,用户可以上传文档,但我希望允许他们link 到他们 Google 驱动器中的文档。


目前,我最好的办法是离线访问他们的 Google Drive 帐户,并将文档副本检索到服务器。这似乎不是最好的主意,因为必须为每个页面加载检索文档、保存它并显示它(具有讽刺意味的是使用 Google 文档查看器)会占用服务器资源。



查看 Drive Platform Best Practices and Performance Tips 以帮助您构建高质量 Google 驱动应用程序并提高应用程序的性能。

要了解任何更改,您可能需要查看有关 Detect Changes and Push Notifications 的文档。

For Google Drive apps that need to keep track of changes to files, the Changes collection provides an efficient way to detect changes to all files, including those that have been shared with a user. The collection works by providing the current state of each file, if and only if the file has changed since a given point in time.

The Drive API provides push notifications that let you watch for changes to resources. You can use this feature to improve the performance of your application. It allows you to eliminate the extra network and compute costs involved with polling resources to determine if they have changed. Whenever a watched resource changes, the Drive API notifies your application.

Manage Revisions, you can always flag to see if there are new revisions created as discussed in the video 位 Google 位工程师中讨论了相关的提示和技巧。