VBA 文本框到数值
VBA Textbox to number value
我有这段代码,在输入 excel table 时,我需要将文本框 9 和 10 作为数字值 table 知道如何解决这个问题吗?
Sub FillRanges(ws As Worksheet, L As Long)
With ws
.Range("C" & L).Value = (Now)
.Range("D" & L).Value = Me.TextBox2
.Range("E" & L).Value = Me.TextBox3
.Range("F" & L).Value = Me.TextBox4
.Range("G" & L).Value = Me.TextBox5
.Range("K" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox1
.Range("L" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox2
.Range("M" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox3
.Range("N" & L).Value = Me.TextBox9
.Range("O" & L).Value = Me.TextBox10
.Range("R" & L).Value = Me.TextBox39
.Range("P" & L).Value = Me.TextBox40
End With
您可以使用像 CDbl()
Sub FillRanges(ws As Worksheet, L As Long)
With ws
.Range("C" & L).Value = (Now)
.Range("D" & L).Value = Me.TextBox2
.Range("E" & L).Value = Me.TextBox3
.Range("F" & L).Value = Me.TextBox4
.Range("G" & L).Value = Me.TextBox5
.Range("K" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox1
.Range("L" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox2
.Range("M" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox3
.Range("N" & L).Value = CDbl(Me.TextBox9)
.Range("O" & L).Value = CDbl(Me.TextBox10)
.Range("R" & L).Value = Me.TextBox39
.Range("P" & L).Value = Me.TextBox40
End With
还有其他转换函数。 CInt()
因此您可能想要编写一些非常简单的用户输入验证子程序并从控件 change 事件处理程序中调用它们,如下所示:
Option Explicit
Private Sub TextBox9_Change()
ValidateNumericInput Me.TextBox9, 0, 10.4 '<--| as soon as this control text changes, call 'ValidateNumericInput' to validate it
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateNumericInput(tb As MSForms.TextBox, minVal As Double, maxVal As Double)
Dim errMsg As String
With tb
If Len(.Text) > 0 Then '<-- proceed only if there's some text to validate!
Select Case True
Case Not IsNumeric(.value) '<--| if not a "numeric" input
errMsg = "please enter a number"
Case CDbl(.Text) < minVal Or CDbl(.Text) > maxVal '<--| if "numeric" input exceeds passed range
errMsg = "please enter a number within " & minVal & " and " & maxVal
End Select
If errMsg <> "" Then '<--| if error message has been written
MsgBox "invalid input in " & tb.name & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & errMsg, vbCritical + vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Invalid input" '<--| infrm the user
.Text = "" '<--| delete textbox input
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
我假设需要 Double
类型的输入,但您可以轻松地将其适应其他 types
ValidateStringInput(tb As MSForms.TextBox, validStrings() as String)
我有这段代码,在输入 excel table 时,我需要将文本框 9 和 10 作为数字值 table 知道如何解决这个问题吗?
Sub FillRanges(ws As Worksheet, L As Long)
With ws
.Range("C" & L).Value = (Now)
.Range("D" & L).Value = Me.TextBox2
.Range("E" & L).Value = Me.TextBox3
.Range("F" & L).Value = Me.TextBox4
.Range("G" & L).Value = Me.TextBox5
.Range("K" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox1
.Range("L" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox2
.Range("M" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox3
.Range("N" & L).Value = Me.TextBox9
.Range("O" & L).Value = Me.TextBox10
.Range("R" & L).Value = Me.TextBox39
.Range("P" & L).Value = Me.TextBox40
End With
您可以使用像 CDbl()
Sub FillRanges(ws As Worksheet, L As Long)
With ws
.Range("C" & L).Value = (Now)
.Range("D" & L).Value = Me.TextBox2
.Range("E" & L).Value = Me.TextBox3
.Range("F" & L).Value = Me.TextBox4
.Range("G" & L).Value = Me.TextBox5
.Range("K" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox1
.Range("L" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox2
.Range("M" & L).Value = Me.ComboBox3
.Range("N" & L).Value = CDbl(Me.TextBox9)
.Range("O" & L).Value = CDbl(Me.TextBox10)
.Range("R" & L).Value = Me.TextBox39
.Range("P" & L).Value = Me.TextBox40
End With
还有其他转换函数。 CInt()
因此您可能想要编写一些非常简单的用户输入验证子程序并从控件 change 事件处理程序中调用它们,如下所示:
Option Explicit
Private Sub TextBox9_Change()
ValidateNumericInput Me.TextBox9, 0, 10.4 '<--| as soon as this control text changes, call 'ValidateNumericInput' to validate it
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateNumericInput(tb As MSForms.TextBox, minVal As Double, maxVal As Double)
Dim errMsg As String
With tb
If Len(.Text) > 0 Then '<-- proceed only if there's some text to validate!
Select Case True
Case Not IsNumeric(.value) '<--| if not a "numeric" input
errMsg = "please enter a number"
Case CDbl(.Text) < minVal Or CDbl(.Text) > maxVal '<--| if "numeric" input exceeds passed range
errMsg = "please enter a number within " & minVal & " and " & maxVal
End Select
If errMsg <> "" Then '<--| if error message has been written
MsgBox "invalid input in " & tb.name & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & errMsg, vbCritical + vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Invalid input" '<--| infrm the user
.Text = "" '<--| delete textbox input
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
我假设需要 Double
类型的输入,但您可以轻松地将其适应其他 types
ValidateStringInput(tb As MSForms.TextBox, validStrings() as String)