在电子中更改 BrowserWindow 的系统 z 顺序,可能吗?

Change system z-order of BrowserWindow in electron, possible?

我需要控制主要 window z-order 这么说。永远在最前面不是我的情况。我想将我的 window 放在所有其他人的后面和桌面之上。可能吗?是否有 C++ SetWindowPos 函数的类似物?或者可能有一些解决方法?

如果这不是您可以用 parent/child windows then you could call SetWindowPos() via node-ffi (or write a native Node module/addon). To get the HWND for a BrowserWindow call getNativeWindowHandle() 完成的事情。我不知道你如何在 macOS 或 Ubuntu.


您可以在 window 上拨打 .blur()。它将使它低于其他 windows.

首先,您应该将 window 发送到 z-index 堆栈的 back/bottom,然后禁用 window.

的 z-index 更改


但是请注意,我的某些代码注释可能不准确。我不太了解 node-ffi,只是通过反复试验让它工作;我的代码注释只是我试图 "make sense" 我观察到的行为的尝试。

import ffi from "ffi";
import ref from "ref";
import Struct from "ref-struct";

const HWND_BOTTOM = 1;
export let SetWindowPos_Flags = {
    NOSIZE: 0x0001,
    NOMOVE: 0x0002,
    NOACTIVATE: 0x0010,

export var user32 = new ffi.Library("user32", {
    // return, handle, handleInsertAfter, x, y, cx, cy, flags
    SetWindowPos: ["bool", ["int32", "int32", "int32", "int32", "int32", "int32", "uint32"]],

export function SendWindowToBack(handle: number) {
    user32.SetWindowPos(handle, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0, 0, SetWindowPos_Flags.NOMOVE | SetWindowPos_Flags.NOSIZE | SetWindowPos_Flags.NOACTIVATE);

export const WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING = 0x0046;
export const SWP_NOZORDER = 0x0004;
let WINDOWPOS = Struct({
    hwndInsertAfter: ffi.types.int32,
    hwnd: ffi.types.int32,
    x: ffi.types.int32,
    y: ffi.types.int32,
    cx: ffi.types.int32,
    cy: ffi.types.int32,
    flags: ffi.types.uint32,
export function AddHook(window: Electron.BrowserWindow, disableZIndexChanging = false) {
    window.hookWindowMessage(WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, (wParam: Buffer, lParam: Buffer)=> {
        // The "lParam" buffer holds the address to a place in unmanaged memory, which itself holds the address to the actual (unmanaged) struct-data.
        // Thus: js-pseudo-pointer (8-bytes; the lParam Buffer) -> c-pointer (8-bytes, unmanaged) -> struct-data (28-bytes, unmanaged)
        // However, the lParam buffer does not realize it is/could-be a "pseudo-pointer" -- all it knows is that it's holding some random numbers.
        // To access the unmanaged struct-data, we have to tell the js-side that the contents of lParam are actually the address explained above.
        // Then we'll be able to use the Buffer.deref() function to correctly obtain the final struct-data.

        // To do this, we:
        // 1) Create a new js-pseudo-pointer (using the modified Buffer class), whose contents/what-it-points-to is marked as of type "pointer to a pointer" (ie. the c-pointer entry above)
        let lParam2 = Buffer.alloc(8);
        lParam2["type"] = ref.refType(WINDOWPOS);

        // 2) Fill the js-pseudo-pointer with the actual address to that c-pointer (just copy this address from the unmarked lParam Buffer)

        // 3) Dereference our js-pseudo-pointer, retrieving the actual struct-data bytes
        let actualStructDataBuffer = lParam2["deref"]() as Buffer;

        // 4) Convert the struct-data bytes into a regular JavaScript object
        let windowPos = actualStructDataBuffer["deref"]() as {hwndInsertAfter: number, hwnd: number, x: number, y: number, cx: number, cy: number, flags: number};

        // 5) Modify the 7th integer (the flags field) in the (unmanaged) struct-data, to include the new SWP_NOZORDER flag
        if (disableZIndexChanging) {
            //lParam.flags |= SWP_NOZORDER;
            let newFlags = windowPos.flags | SWP_NOZORDER;
            actualStructDataBuffer.writeUInt32LE(newFlags, 6);

// This is the function you actually call from the rest of your program.
export function SendElectronWindowToBackAndKeepItThere(window: Electron.BrowserWindow) {
    let handleAsBuffer = window.getNativeWindowHandle();
    let handleAsNumber = ref.types.int64.get(handleAsBuffer, 0);
    AddHook(window, true);