如何随机 select 一个格式字符串

How to randomly select a format string



对于不希望出现重复性的媒体(例如 Slack 频道),有许多不同的措辞导致每个最终 String 输出使用如下内容:

pub fn h(x: usize) -> String {
    rand::sample(rand::thread_rng(), vec![
        format!("{} minutes remain.", x),
        format!("Hurry up; only {} minutes left to finish.", x),
        format!("Haste advisable; time ends in {}.", x),
        /* (insert many more elements here) */
    ], 1).first().unwrap_or(format!("{}", x))



如果不是为了格式字符串的编译时评估,返回随机选择的 &'static str(从静态切片)传递到 format! 的函数将是首选解决方案。


use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

let mut rng = thread_rng();
let code: u8 = rng.gen_range(0, 5);
let time = 5;
let response = match code {
    0 => format!("Running out of time! {} seconds left", time),
    1 => format!("Quick! {} seconds left", time),
    2 => format!("Hurry, there are {} seconds left", time),
    3 => format!("Faster! {} seconds left", time),
    4 => format!("Only {} seconds left", time),
    _ => unreachable!()

(Playground link)



extern crate rand;

use rand::Rng;

pub fn h(x: usize) -> String {
    let messages: &[&Fn() -> String] = &[
        &|| format!("{} minutes remain.", x),
        &|| format!("Hurry up; only {} minutes left to finish.", x),
        &|| format!("Haste advisable; time ends in {}.", x),
    let default_message = || format!("{}", x);

    rand::thread_rng().choose(messages).unwrap_or(&&(&default_message as &Fn()->String))()

fn main() {
    println!("{}", h(1));


  1. choose 而不是 sample 一个值。
  2. 不需要Vec;数组应该没问题。

这不太可能改善 "beautiful" 方面。宏可以消除苦差事:

extern crate rand;

macro_rules! messages {
    {$default: expr, $($msg: expr,)*} => {
        use rand::Rng;

        let messages: &[&Fn() -> String] = &[
            $(&|| $msg),*
        let default_message = || $default;

        rand::thread_rng().choose(messages).unwrap_or(&&(&default_message as &Fn() -> String))()

pub fn h(x: usize) -> String {
    messages! {
        format!("{}", x),
        format!("{} minutes remain.", x),
        format!("Hurry up; only {} minutes left to finish.", x),
        format!("Haste advisable; time ends in {}.", x),

fn main() {
    println!("{}", h(1));


  1. 宏需要至少一个参数;这将用作默认消息。

Rust 支持在函数内部定义函数。我们可以构建一个函数指针片段,让 rand::sample 选择其中一个,然后调用选定的函数。

extern crate rand;

use rand::Rng;

pub fn h(x: usize) -> String {
    fn f0(x: usize) -> String {
        format!("{} minutes remain.", x)

    fn f1(x: usize) -> String {
        format!("Hurry up; only {} minutes left to finish.", x)

    fn f2(x: usize) -> String {
        format!("Haste advisable; time ends in {}.", x)

    let formats: &[fn(usize) -> String] = &[f0, f1, f2];

这解决了原始解决方案的 "wasteful" 方面,但没有解决 "tedious" 方面的问题。我们可以通过使用宏来减少重复的数量。请注意,在函数内定义的宏也是该函数的局部宏!这个宏利用 Rust 的卫生宏来定义多个名为 f 的函数,因此我们在使用宏时不需要为每个函数提供名称。

extern crate rand;

use rand::Rng;

pub fn h(x: usize) -> String {
    macro_rules! messages {
        ($($fmtstr:tt,)*) => {
                fn f(x: usize) -> String {
                    format!($fmtstr, x)

    let formats: &[fn(usize) -> String] = messages!(
        "{} minutes remain.",
        "Hurry up; only {} minutes left to finish.",
        "Haste advisable; time ends in {}.",