Paypal、2Checkout IPN接收参数

Paypal, 2Checkout IPN received parameters

PAYPAL 和 2Checkout 为 IPN 发送的参数是什么,以防购买不订阅、订阅先付款、订阅不先付款和退款。

我需要了解工作流程才能正确实施。我已经检查了文档,并且已经构建了付款表格 with/without 订阅。

完整的参数列表位于 那里用于非经常性销售,使用左侧的侧边栏导航查找重复性 INS 消息。每个 INS link 都有关于事件触发时间的描述:

e.g. Order creation is a new order placed online by a buyer. You may want to automate inventory management, fulfillment or setup of login credentials based on this message.

Recurring order creation is a special case of order creation; if any item ordered is recurring, the recurring parameter will be set to 1, otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Please note the initial installment billed often differs in price from the installments due to startup fees.

Order Created is an invoice level message; it will be sent once for each new sale and will contain information about all items ordered.