PayPal Payflow Pro:参考交易的originId应该是什么?

PayPal Payflow Pro: What should the originId be for reference transactions?

我正在使用 PayPal Payflow Pro SDK。我正在尝试设置一些东西,用户可以在使用一次后保存和重复使用他们的信用卡。我认为(如果我错了请纠正我)正确的过程如下:

  1. 提交常规付款交易
  2. 在对此交易的响应中,应该有某种对应于该信用卡的代码
  3. 保存此代码而不是直接保存信用卡数据
  4. 使用此代码作为参考交易中的originId参数来处理订单(因此交易不需要信用卡,只需要代码)

我想不通的是代码实际上应该是什么。当我提交初始交易时,会返回一堆代码(例如:PNREF、AUTHCODE)。我无法弄清楚哪个应该是我存储的,然后在参考交易中用作原始 ID。我试过使用一堆不同的,每个都返回一个错误 "Invalid tender"。


public Response processOrderViaReferenceTransaction(String originId){
    UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo("user", "vendor", "partner", "pwd"); //my actual username/password are in my code, not this
    PayflowConnectionData connection = new PayflowConnectionData("", 443, 45, "", 0, "", "");
    String requestId = PayflowUtility.RequestId;

    Invoice invoice = new Invoice();
    CultureInfo us = new CultureInfo("en-US");
    String usCurrency = "USD";
    Currency amount = new Currency(new decimal(2.00), usCurrency);
    invoice.Amt = amount;

    ReferenceTransaction referenceTransaction = new ReferenceTransaction("S", originId, userInfo, connection, invoice, requestId);
    referenceTransaction.Verbosity = "HIGH";

    Response response = referenceTransaction.SubmitTransaction();
    return response;


第 40 页 PayFlow Pro Developer guide...

The PNREF returned in the original transaction is valid for use in reference transactions for a period of 12 months.

A PNREF returned by Account Verification also can be used in a reference transaction.