Unique permutations of fixed length integer partitions where each element has a maximum
这次我想计算总和恰好等于该常数的所有排列。这可以看作是计算整数分区的唯一排列,其中每个元素都有一个特定的最大值。最终结果应该存储在一个 numpy 数组中。
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
K = 3
maxRange = np.array([1,3,2])
states = np.array([i for i in product(*(range(i+1) for i in maxRange)) if sum(i)==K])
array([[0, 1, 2],
[0, 2, 1],
[0, 3, 0],
[1, 0, 2],
[1, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 0]])
我在 K=20
和 maxRange = [20]*6
时性能很慢。排列次数限制为 53130,但已经需要 20 秒。我的直觉告诉我,这应该花费不到一秒钟的时间。
有没有人有更快的解决方案?我无法修改我之前问题的解决方案来解决这个问题,因为我不知道如何切断不再可能加起来正好等于 K
我不介意使用 numba 中的 @jit
我不得不考虑这个问题很长时间,但我设法将解决方案修改为 这个问题:
。比如我们要达到总共3和max_range[0] == 1
feasible_range = np.maximum(max_sum - np.append(np.array([0]),np.cumsum(max_range)[:-1]),0)
def number_of_partitions(max_range, max_sum):
M = max_sum + 1
N = len(max_range)
arr = np.zeros(shape=(M,N), dtype = int)
feasible_range = max_sum - np.append(np.array([0]),np.cumsum(max_range)[:-1])
feasible_range = np.maximum(feasible_range,0)
arr[:,-1] = np.where(np.arange(M) <= min(max_range[-1], max_sum), 1, 0)
arr[:feasible_range[-1],-1] = 0
for i in range(N-2,-1,-1):
for j in range(max_range[i]+1):
arr[j:,i] += arr[:M-j,i+1]
arr[:feasible_range[i],i]=0 #Set options that will never add up to max_sum at 0.
return arr.sum(axis = 0),feasible_range
def partition(max_range, max_sum, out = None, n_part = None,feasible_range=None):
#Gives all possible partitions of the sets 0,...,max_range[i] that sum up to max_sum.
if out is None:
max_range = np.asarray(max_range, dtype = int).ravel()
n_part,feasible_range = number_of_partitions(max_range, max_sum)
out = np.zeros(shape = (n_part[0], max_range.size), dtype = int)
if(max_range.size == 1):
out[:] = np.arange(feasible_range[0],min(max_range[0],max_sum) + 1, dtype = int).reshape(-1,1)
return out
#Copy is needed since otherwise we overwrite some values of P.
P = partition(max_range[1:], max_sum, out=out[:n_part[1],1:], n_part = n_part[1:],feasible_range=feasible_range[1:]).copy()
S = max_sum - P.sum(axis = 1) #The remaining space in the partition
offset, sz = 0, 0
for i in range(max_range[0]+1):
#select indices for which there is remaining space
#do this only if adding i brings us within the feasible_range.
ind, = np.where(np.logical_and(S-i>=0,S-i <= max_sum-feasible_range[0]))
offset, sz = offset + sz, ind.size
out[offset:offset+sz, 0] = i
out[offset:offset+sz, 1:] = P[ind]
return out
对于 K=20
和 maxRange = [20]*6
需要 13 毫秒,而第一个需要 18.5 秒。
这次我想计算总和恰好等于该常数的所有排列。这可以看作是计算整数分区的唯一排列,其中每个元素都有一个特定的最大值。最终结果应该存储在一个 numpy 数组中。
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
K = 3
maxRange = np.array([1,3,2])
states = np.array([i for i in product(*(range(i+1) for i in maxRange)) if sum(i)==K])
array([[0, 1, 2],
[0, 2, 1],
[0, 3, 0],
[1, 0, 2],
[1, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 0]])
我在 K=20
和 maxRange = [20]*6
时性能很慢。排列次数限制为 53130,但已经需要 20 秒。我的直觉告诉我,这应该花费不到一秒钟的时间。
有没有人有更快的解决方案?我无法修改我之前问题的解决方案来解决这个问题,因为我不知道如何切断不再可能加起来正好等于 K
我不介意使用 numba 中的 @jit
。比如我们要达到总共3和max_range[0] == 1
feasible_range = np.maximum(max_sum - np.append(np.array([0]),np.cumsum(max_range)[:-1]),0)
def number_of_partitions(max_range, max_sum):
M = max_sum + 1
N = len(max_range)
arr = np.zeros(shape=(M,N), dtype = int)
feasible_range = max_sum - np.append(np.array([0]),np.cumsum(max_range)[:-1])
feasible_range = np.maximum(feasible_range,0)
arr[:,-1] = np.where(np.arange(M) <= min(max_range[-1], max_sum), 1, 0)
arr[:feasible_range[-1],-1] = 0
for i in range(N-2,-1,-1):
for j in range(max_range[i]+1):
arr[j:,i] += arr[:M-j,i+1]
arr[:feasible_range[i],i]=0 #Set options that will never add up to max_sum at 0.
return arr.sum(axis = 0),feasible_range
def partition(max_range, max_sum, out = None, n_part = None,feasible_range=None):
#Gives all possible partitions of the sets 0,...,max_range[i] that sum up to max_sum.
if out is None:
max_range = np.asarray(max_range, dtype = int).ravel()
n_part,feasible_range = number_of_partitions(max_range, max_sum)
out = np.zeros(shape = (n_part[0], max_range.size), dtype = int)
if(max_range.size == 1):
out[:] = np.arange(feasible_range[0],min(max_range[0],max_sum) + 1, dtype = int).reshape(-1,1)
return out
#Copy is needed since otherwise we overwrite some values of P.
P = partition(max_range[1:], max_sum, out=out[:n_part[1],1:], n_part = n_part[1:],feasible_range=feasible_range[1:]).copy()
S = max_sum - P.sum(axis = 1) #The remaining space in the partition
offset, sz = 0, 0
for i in range(max_range[0]+1):
#select indices for which there is remaining space
#do this only if adding i brings us within the feasible_range.
ind, = np.where(np.logical_and(S-i>=0,S-i <= max_sum-feasible_range[0]))
offset, sz = offset + sz, ind.size
out[offset:offset+sz, 0] = i
out[offset:offset+sz, 1:] = P[ind]
return out
对于 K=20
和 maxRange = [20]*6
需要 13 毫秒,而第一个需要 18.5 秒。