C - 在 while 循环的开头和结尾附加字符串

C - Appending strings at beginning and end of while loop

我正在尝试构造一个字符串 - 对于循环中的每 80 个字符,在该行的开头添加 7 个制表符,并在末尾添加一个新行。

它应该打印出 7 个制表符,然后是 80 个字符,然后是 1 个新行等等。

然而,奇怪的事情正在发生。它在前 2 个字符之后直接打印一个新行,然后所有内容都从那时起倾斜。

我也不确定为什么我需要 % 40 而不是 % 80 - 是因为有 2 个字节吗?

我想我通常会对 2 个字节感到困惑。

void do_file(FILE *in, FILE *out, OPTIONS *options)
    char ch;
    int loop = 0;
    int sz1,sz2,sz3;

    int seeker = offsetof(struct myStruct, contents.datas);

    //find total length of file
    fseek(in, 0L, SEEK_END);
    sz1 = ftell(in);

    //find length from beggining to struct beginning and minus that from total length
    fseek(in, seeker, SEEK_SET);
    sz2 = sz1 - ftell(in);

    int tabs = (sz2 / 80) * 8;// Total size / size of chunk * 8 - 7 tabs and 1 new line char
    sz3 = ((sz2 + 1 + tabs) * 2); //Total size + nuls + tabs * 2 for 2 bytes

    char buffer[sz3];

    char *p = buffer;

    buffer[0] = '[=10=]';

    while (loop < sz2)
        if(loop % 40 == 0){
            //Add 7 tabs to the beginning of each new line
            p += sprintf(p, "%s", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t");

        fread(&ch, 1, 1, in);
        //print hex char
        p += sprintf(p, "%02X", (ch & 0x00FF));

        if(loop % 40 == 0){
            //Add a new line every 80 chars
            p += sprintf(p, "%s", "\n");
        strcat(buffer, p);
    printf("%s", buffer);

However, something strange is happening. It's printing a new line straight after the first 2 chars and then everything is skewed from then on.

因为初始值为loop,用int loop = 1;


I'm also not sure why I need % 40 rather than % 80 - is it because there are 2 bytes?

I think generally im getting confused by 2 bytes.

重点是,对于您在输入文件中读取的每个字符,您在 buffer 中写入两个字符,因为您决定将字符打印为两个字节 (%02X)。


  • input 文件中每 80 个字符插入 LF 和制表符? (这是你的期待吗?)
  • output 的每个 80 个字符中插入 LF 和制表符? (这就是你编码的)