何时使用 GraphQLID 而不是 GraphQLInt?

When to use GraphQLID instead of GraphQLInt?

不清楚什么时候使用GraphQLID instead of GraphQLInt


type User {
  id: Int!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!

type Query {
  user (id: ID!): User


User.id 的情况下,使用 GraphQLID 会将输入转换为字符串。使用 GraphQLInt 将确保输入为整数。


spec 简单地说:

A GraphQLScalarType that represents an ID.

这是一个实现细节吗(例如,GraphQL 客户端应该尽可能将 GraphQLID 转换为整数),还是期望 ID 始终是 中的字符串?

我查看了 GraphQL 规范。

The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as the key for a cache. The ID type is serialized in the same way as a String; however, it is not intended to be human‐readable. While it is often numeric, it should always serialize as a String.

– https://spec.graphql.org/April2016/#sec-ID

这回答了它是留给实现还是由规范规定的问题,即 ID 应始终序列化为 String


Input Coercion

When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value should be coerced to ID as appropriate for the ID formats a given GraphQL server expects. Any other input value, including float input values (such as 4.0), must raise a query error indicating an incorrect type.


我有一个 后端,我的 PK 是整数。


  • 开始使用 UUID 进行 PK。但是,这有 performance implications.
  • 忽略在整个应用程序中具有唯一 ID 的隐式要求(源自 生态系统),并尽可能将 ID 转换为数字以供内部使用。
  • Hash 在应用程序数据层对 ID 进行编码,例如UUID base64 来自 table 名称和 PK 值的串联。

我选择后一个选项。这也是graphql-relay-js has adopted via toGlobalId and fromGlobalId.
