将分隔符与 azure 存储 blob 列表一起使用

Using a delimiter with azure storage blob list

Azure 的 Python SDK 提供了 list_blobs 方法,用于使用容器名称、前缀和分隔符列出容器中存在的 blob。

基于 Node.js 的 azure-cli 还提供了一个用于列出 blob 的选项

azure 存储 blob 列表[选项][容器][前缀]



Is there a way for using a delimiter with the above mentioned command ?

截至今天,没有。在 blob 容器中列出 blob 时没有指定分隔符的选项。

CLI 工具源代码可在 Github 上获得:https://github.com/Azure/azure-xplat-cli. What you could do is raise an issue there and ask for this feature or try to implement this feature yourself. The file where you would be making changes is: https://github.com/Azure/azure-xplat-cli/blob/dev/lib/commands/storage/storage.blob._js


$ az storage blob list -h
    --delimiter                    : When the request includes this parameter, the operation returns
                                     a :class:`~azure.storage.blob.models.BlobPrefix` element in the
                                     result list that acts as a placeholder for all blobs whose
                                     names begin with the same substring up to the appearance of the
                                     delimiter character. The delimiter may be a single character or
                                     a string.