
Encryption in C# Decryption in JS (CryptoJS)

我在 CryptoJS 上没有得到相同的结果。可以请你检查一下有什么问题吗?

这是我的预期 input/outputs:

Encrypted String: 723024D59CF7801A295F81B9D5BB616E
Decrypted String: Whosebug

这是我在 C# 中的 Decryption/Encryption 方法。加密是 TripleDES 模式 CBC,我在 CryptoJS 代码上使用相同的密钥和 iv。

public static string Encrypt(string data, string key, string iv)
    byte[] bdata = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
    byte[] bkey = HexToBytes(key);
    byte[] biv = HexToBytes(iv);

    var stream = new MemoryStream();
    var encStream = new CryptoStream(stream,
        des3.CreateEncryptor(bkey, biv), CryptoStreamMode.Write);

    encStream.Write(bdata, 0, bdata.Length);

    return BytesToHex(stream.ToArray());

public static string Decrypt(string data, string key, string iv)
    byte[] bdata = HexToBytes(data);
    byte[] bkey = HexToBytes(key);
    byte[] biv = HexToBytes(iv);

    var stream = new MemoryStream();
    var encStream = new CryptoStream(stream,
        des3.CreateDecryptor(bkey, biv), CryptoStreamMode.Write);

    encStream.Write(bdata, 0, bdata.Length);

    return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ToArray());

这是我使用 CryptoJS 进行解密的方法

var key = "90033E3984CEF5A659C44BBB47299B4208374FB5DC495C96";
var iv = "E6B9AFA7A282A0CA";

key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(key);
iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(iv);

// Input is a Hex String
var decrypted = CryptoJS.TripleDES.decrypt('723024D59CF7801A295F81B9D5BB616E', key, { iv : iv, mode:CryptoJS.mode.CBC});

CryptoJS 期望密文是 CipherParams 对象或 OpenSSL 编码的字符串。您已将密文作为十六进制传递。改为这样做:

var decrypted = CryptoJS.TripleDES.decrypt({
    ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse('723024D59CF7801A295F81B9D5BB616E')
}, key, { 
    iv : iv, 

decrypted 现在是一个 WordArray 对象。将其字符串化会生成一个默认编码为十六进制的字符串。如果您知道应该输出文本,则可以使用适当的编码,例如:


Artjom B 的答案有效,但如果与静态 IV 一起使用则会出现问题。 IV(和 SALT)应该随着消息的不同而变化。并且尝试在不同 languages/libraries 之间创建和发送非静态 IV / SALTS 可能很困难。

因此,当我还在为在 C# 和 JS 之间交换加密文本而苦苦挣扎时,我花时间一劳永逸地解决了这个问题,并编写了一个小型库并在 MIT 许可下发布了它供大家使用。





对于 C#:

    //Encrypt plain text in C# with a random password
    string plainText = "This is my secret text!";
    //You can also use the built in password generator!!
    //string passPhrase = PasswordGenerator.GenerateRandomPassword(20);
    //Or use your own password:        
    string passPhrase = "This_is_my_password!";

    var enc = EncryptionHandler.Encrypt(plainText, passPhrase);
    Console.WriteLine("Plaintext: 'This is my secret text' with password 'This_is_my_password!' results in ciphertext: " + enc);

    var dec3 = EncryptionHandler.Decrypt(enc, passPhrase);
    Console.WriteLine("And decrypting again: " + dec3);
    Console.WriteLine("Please start the index.html to see the same in Javascript. Encryption / Decryption run in both ways and can be interchanged between C# and JS!");

对于 JS:

// This is the ciphertext, which was encrypted by C# to check the interchangeability:
    var encryptedBase64FromCSharp = "uTkXNB+PSTjzwUCJbfAHVHd95YOlcJr38wbF08ZxqNw=:PNGRjWb5tOINneaVVf8+cw==:Aic+gosvLjTrCebzY8l/usTh+kWuE0v1xSWw7apYunI=";
    var passPhrase = "This_is_my_password!";

    var eH = new encryptionHandler();

    var decryptedFromCSharp = eH.decrypt(encryptedBase64FromCSharp, passPhrase);

    //Now encrypt again with JS
    var encryptTextWithJs = eH.encrypt(decryptedFromCSharp, "This_is_my_password!");
    //And decrypt again with JS
    var decryptedTextWithJs = eH.decrypt(encryptTextWithJs, "This_is_my_password!");

因此,正如您在此处看到的那样,可以使用随机生成的 SALT 和 IV(在方法 encrypt/decrypt 中生成)在 C# 和 JS 之间交换密文。