Java 字段名称作为关键字的约定

Java conventions for field name as keyword

与java关键字同名的字段是否有约定? 例如要创建名称为 "public":

public class Event{
   private boolean public_;

在这种情况下,一般惯例(不是官方的,但为了经验)是添加 class 的名称作为后缀。

private boolean publicEvent

自1999年sun发布code convention document以来,没有标准约定。

该文档中对变量名称的唯一引用如下(第 9 章):

Except for variables, all instance, class, and class constants are in mixed case with a lowercase first letter. Internal words start with capital letters. Variable names should be short yet meaningful. The choice of a variable name should be mnemonic— that is, designed to indicate to the casual observer the intent of its use. One-character variable names should be avoided except for temporary “throwaway” variables. Common names for temporary variables are i, j, k, m, and n for integers; c, d, and e for characters.


  • 避免使用它并使用不同的词(同义词)
  • 如果您选择使用关键字,请保持连贯并为整个代码使用相同的约定(例如,在其前面加上 _ 或在其后缀 class)

要缩短名称,请考虑将 class 的首字母与关键字结合使用,在您的情况下:

