加入 Entity Framework 和 F#

Join with Entity Framework and F#

在 C# 中看似简单的任务在 F# 中似乎并不容易...

鉴于 C# 中的以下类型,我想使用 F# 进行内部联接:

public partial class Foo
    public long FooID { get; set; }
    public long BarID { get; set; }
    public bool SomeColumn1 { get; set; }

public partial class Bar
    public long ID { get; set; }
    public string SomeColumn1 { get; set; }
    public bool SomeColumn2 { get; set; }


let dbContext = DatabaseManager.Instance.ProduceContext()

let barIdForeignKey(f: Foo) =

let barIdPrimaryKey(b: Bar) =

let joinResult(f: Foo, b: Bar) =
    (f, b)

let joinedElements =
    dbContext.foos.Join(dbContext.bars, barIdForeignKey, barIdPrimaryKey, joinResult)


Possible overload: (extension)

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Join<'TOuter, 'TInner, 'TKey, 'TResult>(
    inner:            System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'TInner>,
    outerKeySelector: System.Func<'TOuter, 'TKey>,
    innerKeySelector: System.Func<'TInner, 'TKey>,
    resultSelector:   System.Func<'TOuter, 'TInner, 'TResult>)
  : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'TResult>

Type constraint mismatch. The type 'd * 'e -> foo * bar is not compatible with type System.Func<'a, 'b, 'c>

The type 'd * 'e -> foo * bar is not compatible with the type System.Func<'a, 'b, 'c>

不确定如何阅读。也许是我不能 return 最后一个元组?在 C# 中,我需要一个匿名类型,比如 new { Foo = foo, Bar = bar },不知道如何在 F# 中做到这一点。


let dbContext = DatabaseManager.Instance.ProduceContext()

let barIdForeignKey(f: Foo) =

let barIdPrimaryKey(b: Bar) =

let joinResult(f: Foo) (b: Bar) =
    (f, b)

let joinedElements =
    dbContext.foos.Join(dbContext.bars, barIdForeignKey, barIdPrimaryKey, joinResult)


let joinedElements =
    dbContext.foos.Join (dbContext.bars,
                         (fun f -> f.barID),
                         (fun b -> b.ID),
                         (fun f b -> (f,b))

@PanagiotisKanavos 也给了我关于使用 ORM 的连接是一种代码味道的提示,这让我发现 Foo 中实际上有一个 Bar 属性 class(这样我就不需要 fiddle 与 BarID 列,因为这个 Bar 属性 无论如何都是通过 EntityFramework 在幕后填充的)。结合@ildjarn 最初关于使用 query expressions 的建议,我得出了最佳答案:

let dbContext = DatabaseManager.Instance.ProduceContext()

let joinedElements =
    query {
        for foo in dbContext.foos do
            select (foo.Bar, foo.SomeColumn1)