GitHub 拉取请求评论行评论行为

GitHub pull request reviews line comments behaviour

最近 GitHub 引入了一些新功能,包括 Pull Request Reviews


自推出新功能以来,即使在进一步提交解决问题后,行注释也不再折叠。到目前为止,我只有一个 PR,我不确定审阅者是否添加了单个评论或使用了新的 "Start a review" 功能。

如何恢复旧行为或在新 "Start a review" 功能中改进?

我看过他们的 video tutorial 功能,但我无法确定现在的行为是否是我应该经历的。

我向 GitHub 支持部门发送了一条消息,并收到了以下回复:

Sorry for the trouble! We are aware that with reviews comments no longer become "outdated" after new code is pushed.

This is definitely on our radar as something we need to address. I can't give a timeline for it, but we will be looking into it soon.

两年前,GitHub现在(2018年8月)提出“Collapse all diffs in a pull request at once”:

When a pull request contains a lot of changed files, code reviewers can find it hard to isolate the changes that are relevant to them.
Now you can collapse (or expand) the contents of all diffs in a pull request by holding down the alt key and clicking on the inverted caret icon in any file header.

You can then go one step further by using the “Jump to file or symbol” dropdown to jump to the file that you’re interested in and automatically expand it.
