从 MVC Razor 中的数据库获取数据时的 LINQ 查询性能问题
LINQ query performance issue when fetching data from db in MVC Razor
问题陈述: 我正在尝试使用 Linq 查询将来自 db 的多表数据绑定到视图,这需要更多 time.I 在 db.Someone 中有大约 10000 条记录建议使用 IQueryable 而不是 IEnumerable,但是这样做影响我当前的代码(在视图和控制器中)??或者不使用它我可以完成这个吗?
我应该怎么做才能提高加载结果的性能?? 我做错了什么?? 请建议我一些更好的方法...
public ActionResult Index()
var result = (from pr in db.Prod.AsEnumerable()
join s in db.Shift.AsEnumerable() on pr.Shift equals s.ShiftID
join m in db.Module.AsEnumerable() on pr.Module equals m.ModuleID
select new GlobalModel()
prodModelIndex = pr,
prodModel = prodModel,
shiftModel = s,
moduleModel = m,
ddlShift = objTransactionGeneralController.GetAllShift(),
ddlModule = objTransactionGeneralController.GetAllModule()
return PartialView(result);
public TransGeneralModel GetAllModule()
objTransGeneralModel.ddlModule = (from m in db.Module.AsEnumerable()
select new SelectListItem
Value = m.ModuleID.ToString(),
Text = m.ModuleName,
return objTransGeneralModel;
public TransGeneralModel GetAllShift()
objTransGeneralModel.ddlShift = (from s in db.Shift.AsEnumerable()
select new SelectListItem
Value = s.ShiftID.ToString(),
Text = s.ShiftName,
return objTranGeneralModel;
@model IEnumerable<SIA.Models.Trans.GlobalModel>
@using GridMvc.Html
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
<link rel="stylesheet" href="@Url.Content("~/Content/jquery.dataTables.min.css")">
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-2.1.1.min.js")"></script>
<hr />
<div style="width: 1000px; padding-left: 70px">
<br />
<h5 class="pull-right">
<b class="fa fa-keyboard-o" style="color: blue"></b>
@Ajax.ActionLink("Edit", "ProdEdit", "Prod", new { }, new AjaxOptions
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
UpdateTargetId = "prod-details",
HttpMethod = "GET",
}, new { style = "color:blue" })
<br />
@using (Html.BeginForm())
if (Model.FirstOrDefault().prodModelIndex != null)
<div id="prod-details">
<table class="table table-striped" id="tblProdDetails">
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.FirstOrDefault().prodModelIndex.ProdID)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.FirstOrDefault().prodModelIndex.Date)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.FirstOrDefault().prodModelIndex.Module)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.FirstOrDefault().productionModelIndex.Shift)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.FirstOrDefault().prodModelIndex.Hour)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.FirstOrDefault().prodModelIndex.Output)
@foreach (var item in Model)
<tr id="customer-row-@item.prodModelIndex.ProdID">
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.prodModelIndex.ProdID)
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.prodModelIndex.Date)
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.moduleModel.ModuleName)
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.shiftModel.ShiftName)
@Html.HiddenFor(modelItem => item.prodModelIndex.Shift)
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.prodModelIndex.Hour)
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.prodModelIndex.Output)
$(document).ready(function () {
"order": [[1, "desc"], [3, "asc"]]
@section Scripts {
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function () {
format: "dd M yyyy",
}).on('changeDate', function (e) {
等方法时,它将对数据库执行查询。在您的情况下,最好删除它们以使用 joins
var result = (from pr in db.Prod
join s in db.Shift on pr.Shift equals s.ShiftID
join m in db.Module on pr.Module equals m.ModuleID
select new GlobalModel()
prodModelIndex = pr,
prodModel = prodModel,
shiftModel = s,
moduleModel = m
var result = (from pr in db.Prod
select new GlobalModel()
prodModelIndex = pr,
prodModel = prodModel,
shiftModel = pr.Shift,
moduleModel = pr.Module
- 用
过滤您的主要 table (Prod) 或至少使用.Take()
将行数限制在屏幕上正常显示的范围内 - 删除
- 您正在将整个 table 实体化到内存中 - 向您的 table 添加外键,重新生成您的 DBML,并使用导航而不是显式连接
- 请注意您放入
投影中的内容 -ddlShift = objTransactionGeneralController.GetAllShift()
通过将 .AsEnumerable()
应用于您的 collections 喜欢:
var result = (from pr in db.Prods.AsEnumerable()
join s in db.Shifts.AsEnumerable() on pr.ShiftID equals s.ShiftId
join m in db.Modules.AsEnumerable() on pr.ModuleID equals m.ModuleId
select new ...
您当前的代码导致对 Sql 服务器的 3 个显式查询,每个查询都会将整个 table 加载到内存中:(例如使用 Sql Profiler
,或 LinqPad
, 等等)
SELECT [t0].[ModuleId], ... other columns
FROM [dbo].[Module] AS [t0];
SELECT [t0].[ShiftId], ... other columns
FROM [dbo].[Shift] AS [t0];
SELECT [t0].[ProdID], [t0].[ShiftID], [t0].[ModuleID], ... other columns
FROM [dbo].[Prod] AS [t0];
鉴于您根本没有 WHERE
,您将剥夺 Linq2Sql 将IQueryable
表达式树解析为原生 Sql 的能力。通常,在数据库中进行连接和过滤会比在内存中进行更快,并且需要更少的内存。假设Prod
- 这将允许 Linq 使用 IQueryable 扩展连接、过滤、聚合等方法检索 table 中的所有行并在单个屏幕中一次显示它们是不常见的,除非 table 大小保证有少量行。通常您会对 table 应用某种过滤器。
根据 Bhaarat 的评论,如果您在 table 之间正确设置了外键(正如您的示例代码所暗示的那样,似乎设计了连接键) ,当您将 tables 导入 Linq2Sql DBML 时,您还将获得实体之间的导航,因此不需要显式加入 tables。
投影中 -ddlShift = objTransactionGeneralController.GetAllShift()
,这样它就不会在每一行重复引用,如果需要的话。延迟加载可能是一个性能问题(1 到 N 问题)- 通过
db.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false
在 DataContext 上关闭此功能,而是显式指定要预先加载的图形深度使用适当的LoadWith<>
using (var db = new DataClasses1DataContext())
// Switch off Lazy Loading in favour of eager loading
db.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false;
var ds = new DataLoadOptions();
ds.LoadWith<Prod>(p => p.Shift);
ds.LoadWith<Prod>(s => s.Module);
// Do this once, not in a tight loop
var ddlShift = objTransactionGeneralController.GetAllShift();
var ddlModule = objTransactionGeneralController.GetAllModule();
var result = db.Prods
.Where(p => p.ProdID > 5 && p.ProdID < 10) // Apply some kind of filtering
.Take(1000) // And / Or Limit the rows to something sane
.Select(pr => new GlobalModel()
prodModelIndex = pr,
// These 2 fields are actually redundant, as we now have navigation fields
// for these off prodModelIndex
shiftModel = s,
moduleModel = m,
ddlShift = ddlShift,
ddlModule = ddlModule
return PartialView(result);
并且生成的 SQL 将是单个查询,具有更合理的行限制:
SELECT TOP 1000 [t0].[ProdID], [t0].[ShiftID], [t0].[ModuleID], [t1].[ShiftId] AS [ShiftId2], [t2].[ModuleId] AS [ModuleId2]
FROM [dbo].[Prod] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Shift] AS [t1] ON [t0].[ShiftID] = ([t1].[ShiftId])
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Module] AS [t2] ON [t0].[ModuleID] = ([t2].[ModuleId])
WHERE [t0].[ProdID] BETWEEN 5 AND 10;