是否有用于简短的描述性文本片段的语义 html 标签?

Is there a semantic html tag for short, descriptive fragments of text?



要注意的是:尽管我在示例中将其格式化为列表,但语义上 并不是列表。此外,其中许多字段都是用户可配置的,因此书籍、作者和时间的标记并不真正适用。我是否为这些行中的每一行使用 <p><li><dl><div> 或其他内容?如果我不回退到 <div><p> 标签似乎最接近我想要的,即使它不是完整的文本段落。



The HTML element (or HTML Description List Element) encloses a list of pairs of terms and descriptions. Common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs).

  <dd>A free, open source, cross-platform, graphical web browser
  developed by the Mozilla Corporation and hundreds of volunteers.</dd>
  <dd>The Red Panda also known as the Lesser Panda, Wah, Bear Cat or Firefox,
  is a mostly herbivorous mammal, slightly larger than a domestic cat
  (60 cm long).</dd>

<!-- other terms and definitions -->

More information available here

dl element 可用于此目的。规范定义它表示由 "name-value groups".

组成的 "an association list"(或 "description list")

您的情况类似于 HTML5 规范中的第三个示例,因为您的内容也是元数据:

The following example illustrates the use of the dl element to mark up metadata of sorts. At the end of the example, one group has two metadata labels ("Authors" and "Editors") and two values ("Robert Rothman" and "Daniel Jackson").

 <dt> Last modified time </dt>
 <dd> 2004-12-23T23:33Z </dd>
 <dt> Recommended update interval </dt>
 <dd> 60s </dd>
 <dt> Authors </dt>
 <dt> Editors </dt>
 <dd> Robert Rothman </dd>
 <dd> Daniel Jackson </dd>