我应该在 FFI 上下文中传递可变引用还是转移变量的所有权?

Should I pass a mutable reference or transfer ownership of a variable in the context of FFI?

我有一个程序通过 C FFI(通过 winapi-rs)使用 Windows API。其中一个函数需要一个指向字符串指针的指针作为输出参数。该函数会将其结果存储到此字符串中。我为此字符串使用类型为 WideCString 的变量。

我可以 "just" 将一个可变引用传递给一个字符串引用到这个函数中(在一个不安全的块内)还是我应该使用像 .into_raw() 和 [=13= 这样的功能] 这也将变量的所有权移至 C 函数?


这是我的代码中使用 .into_raw.from_raw 的相关行。

let mut widestr: WideCString = WideCString::from_str("test").unwrap(); //this is the string where the result should be stored
let mut security_descriptor_ptr: winnt::LPWSTR = widestr.into_raw();

let rtrn3 = unsafe {
    advapi32::ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW(sd_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
                                    &mut security_descriptor_ptr,


if rtrn3 == 0 {
    match IOError::last_os_error().raw_os_error() {
        Some(1008) => println!("Need to fix this errror in get_acl_of_file."), // Do nothing. No idea, why this error occurs
        Some(e) => panic!("Unknown OS error in get_acl_of_file {}", e),
        None => panic!("That should not happen in get_acl_of_file!"),

let mut rtr: WideCString = unsafe{WideCString::from_raw(security_descriptor_ptr)};

description of this parameter in MSDN 说:

A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to a null-terminated security descriptor string. For a description of the string format, see Security Descriptor String Format. To free the returned buffer, call the LocalFree function.


I am expecting the function to change the value of the variable. Doesn't that - per definition - mean that I'm moving ownership?


Competent C APIs(Microsoft 通常属于此类)文档 预期的所有权规则,尽管有时这些词是倾斜的或假定某种程度的外部知识.这个特殊的功能说:

To free the returned buffer, call the LocalFree function.

这意味着 ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW 将执行某种分配,return 将分配给用户。查看函数声明,您还可以看到他们将该参数记录为 "out" 参数:

_Out_ LPTSTR               *StringSecurityDescriptor,


通常,您会将对未初始化内存 的引用传递给函数,然后函数必须为您初始化它。


extern crate advapi32;
extern crate winapi;
extern crate widestring;

use std::{mem, ptr, io};
use winapi::{winnt, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR};
use widestring::WideCString;

fn foo(sd_buffer: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) -> WideCString {
    let mut security_descriptor = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };

    let retval = unsafe {
            &mut security_descriptor,

    if retval == 0 {
        match io::Error::last_os_error().raw_os_error() {
            Some(1008) => println!("Need to fix this errror in get_acl_of_file."), // Do nothing. No idea, why this error occurs
            Some(e) => panic!("Unknown OS error in get_acl_of_file {}", e),
            None => panic!("That should not happen in get_acl_of_file!"),

    unsafe { WideCString::from_raw(security_descriptor) }

fn main() {
    let x = foo(ptr::null_mut());
    println!("{:?}", x);
winapi = { git = "https://github.com/nils-tekampe/winapi-rs/", rev = "1bb62e2c22d0f5833cfa9eec1db2c9cfc2a4a303" }
advapi32-sys = { git = "https://github.com/nils-tekampe/winapi-rs/", rev = "1bb62e2c22d0f5833cfa9eec1db2c9cfc2a4a303" }
widestring = "*"


Can I "just" pass in a mutable ref to a ref to a string into this function (inside an unsafe block) or should I rather use a functionality like .into_raw() and .from_raw() that also moves the ownership of the variable to the C function?

都没有。该函数不希望您将指向 string 的指针传递给它,它希望您将指针传递给 it 可以放置的地方一个字符串。

I also just realized after your explanation that (as far as I understood it) in my example, the widestr variable never gets overwritten by the C function. It overwrites the reference to it but not the data itself.

很可能 WideCString::from_str("test") 分配的内存已完全泄漏,因为在函数调用后没有任何内容指向该指针。

Is this a general rule that a C (WinAPI) function will always allocate the buffer by itself (if not following the two step approach where it first returns the size)?

我不相信 C API 甚至 inside 之间存在 任何 通用规则API。尤其是在像微软这样拥有如此多 API 表面的大公司。您需要阅读每种方法的文档。这是持续拖累的一部分,可以使编写 C 感觉像一个口号。

it somehow feels odd for me to hand over uninitialized memory to such a function.

是的,因为不能真正保证函数会初始化它。事实上,在失败的情况下初始化它会很浪费,所以它可能不会。这是 Rust 似乎有更好解决方案的另一件事。

请注意,在调用 last_os_error 之类的东西之前,您不应该进行函数调用(例如 println!);这些函数调用可能会更改最后一个错误的值!

1 其他 Windows APIs 实际上需要一个多步骤的过程——你用 NULL,它return是你需要分配的字节数,然后你再调用它