
Clips revise system

(首先,对不起我的英语:)) 我正在尝试为我的项目(自然植物的简单分类)创建一个修订系统,我不想粘贴我的所有代码,而只粘贴重要的部分,所以我将尝试解释该系统的作用。我做了一个函数(我称之为修改属性),当系统找到应该与用户给出的答案相对应的植物时,询问用户是否要修改某些属性,如果他回答 "yes" 他可以选择要更改的属性,然后系统找到属性的事实地址并收回它们,因此它从头开始,应该重新评估规则。例如我有这两条规则:

(defrule month
        (not(attribute (name month)))
        (bind ?allow (create$ january february march april mamy june july august september october november december))
        (bind ?answer (ask-question "what month is it?" ?allow))
        (assert (attribute (name month) (value ?answer)))

(defrule flowering
    (not (attribute (name flowering)))
    (attribute (name month) (value ?month))
    (assert (attribute (name flowering) (value ?month)))

如果最后,用户想要更改月份属性,则最后一个将被收回,规则月份应该重新评估并被解雇,因为没有月份属性,所以他通过这种方式可以更改月份的值,但是 flowering 属性也应该更改,但这并没有完成,有一个名称为 flowering 的属性已被断言。考虑到这一点,我在修改函数之后创建了一个 "focus" 的模块:

(defmodule REVISITING (import MAIN ?ALL) )

(defrule REVISITING::retract-month
    (not (attribute(name month)))
    ?f <- (attribute(name flowering))
    (retract ?f)

因此,如果月份缩回,开花也会缩回。 但是我想知道是否有可能用更好的方法做同样的事情,因为我对以下规则有疑问

(defrule petal-apex-toothed 
    (not (attribute (name petal-apex-toothed )))
    (attribute (name petal-color) (valore blue | unknown))
    (attribute (name habitat) (valore sea | montain | edge_of_the_road |camp | unknow))
    (attributo (name flowering) (valore may | june | july | august))
    (bind ?allow (create$ yes no unknow))
    (bind ?answer (ask-question "The petal's apex is toothed?" ?allow))
    (assert (attribute (name petal-apex-toothed) (value ?answer)))

例如,如果用户想要更改栖息地属性,我可以在 Revisiting 模块中创建以下规则

(defrule retract-habitat
    (not(attribute(name habitat)))
    ?f <- (attribute (name petal-apex-toothed)))
    (retract ?f)

但是如果用户输入的第一个值是山,然后他用 edge_of_road 更改了它,花瓣顶点齿属性也会被收回并重新触发,但我认为它可能是多余的请求有关花瓣尖齿的问题。那么我该如何改进我的代码呢??

P.S。我希望我说清楚了,否则我可以尝试更好地解释我自己 :)


CLIPS> (clear)
(deftemplate attribute
  (slot name)
  (slot value))
(deffunction ask-question (?question ?allowed-values)
   (printout t ?question)
   (bind ?answer (read))
   (if (lexemep ?answer) then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer)))
   (while (not (member$ ?answer ?allowed-values)) do
      (printout t ?question)
      (bind ?answer (read))
      (if (lexemep ?answer) then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer))))
(defrule month
   (not (attribute (name month)))
   (bind ?allow (create$ january february march april may june july 
                         august september october november december))
   (bind ?answer (ask-question "what month is it? " ?allow))
   (assert (attribute (name month) (value ?answer))))
(defrule flowering
   (logical (attribute (name month) (value ?month)))
   (not (attribute (name flowering)))
   (assert (attribute (name flowering) (value ?month))))
CLIPS> (run)
what month is it? september
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-1     (attribute (name month) (value september))
f-2     (attribute (name flowering) (value september))
For a total of 3 facts.
CLIPS> (watch facts)
CLIPS> (retract 1)
<== f-1     (attribute (name month) (value september))
<== f-2     (attribute (name flowering) (value september))


CLIPS> (unwatch all)
CLIPS> (clear)
(deftemplate attribute
  (slot name)
  (slot value))
(deftemplate prior-response
  (slot attribute)
  (slot value))
(deffunction ask-question (?attribute ?question ?allowed-values)
   ;; Use do-for-fact to look for a prior response and if
   ;; found return the value last supplied by the user
   (do-for-fact ((?pr prior-response)) 
                (eq ?pr:attribute ?attribute)
     (return ?pr:value))
   ;; Ask the user the question and repeat
   ;; until a valid response is given
   (printout t ?question)
   (bind ?answer (read))
   (if (lexemep ?answer) then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer)))
   (while (not (member$ ?answer ?allowed-values)) do
      (printout t ?question)
      (bind ?answer (read))
      (if (lexemep ?answer) then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer))))
   ;; Remember the response
   (assert (prior-response (attribute ?attribute) (value ?answer)))
   ;; Return the answer
(defrule month
   (not (attribute (name month)))
   (bind ?allow (create$ january february march april may june july 
                         august september october november december))
   (bind ?answer (ask-question month "what month is it? " ?allow))
   (assert (attribute (name month) (value ?answer))))
CLIPS> (run)
what month is it? may
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-1     (prior-response (attribute month) (value may))
f-2     (attribute (name month) (value may))
For a total of 3 facts.
CLIPS> (retract 2)
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-1     (prior-response (attribute month) (value may))
For a total of 2 facts.
CLIPS> (agenda)
0      month: *
For a total of 1 activation.
CLIPS> (run)
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-1     (prior-response (attribute month) (value may))
f-3     (attribute (name month) (value may))
For a total of 3 facts.


CLIPS> (retract 1 3)
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
For a total of 1 fact.
CLIPS> (run)
what month is it? june
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-4     (prior-response (attribute month) (value june))
f-5     (attribute (name month) (value june))
For a total of 3 facts.