如何从第一个 class 中的第二个 class func 调用测试 http 调用(APEX class testing/salesforce 测试)

How to test a http calls from a second class func call from within first class (APEX class testing/salesforce testing)

我有一个顶点 class A。我从 A 中调用 B class 的函数。

class A{ 
    B bobj=new B(); 

    function1(); //within class A

这个函数 1 和函数 2 是对 2 个 diff rest 服务的 http 调用。

我用 httpcallmockouts 为 function1 和 function2 写了一个测试 class。所以 APex Test class-

B objB=new B(); 

HttpResponse res = CalloutB.getInfoFromExternalService(); 

A objA=new A(); 
HttpResponse res = CalloutA.getInfoFromExternalService();

//Till this point my test runs successfully for http calls mock



//Here I get an error http callout not supported for test methods for function2 of B class. 

//If I change the order above to 

//A objA=new A(); 

//HttpResponse res = CalloutA.getInfoFromExternalService(); 

//B objB=new B(); 

//HttpResponse res = CalloutB.getInfoFromExternalService(); 

//Then I get error http callout not supported for test methods for function1 of A class. 


那么,如何在第一个 class.

中测试来自另一个 class 函数调用的 http 调用

发生这种情况是因为您没有初始化 httpMock class 对象,因此您的测试 class 正在尝试访问测试 class 不允许的真实 Web 服务调用。你需要做些什么来初始化你的 mockClass 对象并使用它来代替 return 数据而不是访问真正的网络服务端点

In main class which does the callout declare a variable which holds reference to created mockClass object

Add a condition in your callout class which check if its a test class which is currently running using Test.isRunningTest() .

If its a test class then use your mock class to return data instead of real callout

If its not a test class execution context, use real callout

global class ResultHttpMock implements HttpCalloutMock {

  global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest req) {
    HttpResponse res;
    System.debug('request inside mock '+req);
    if(req != null) {
        res = new HttpResponse();
        res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    return res;

  private static String getBody() {
    String idmJsonMockResponse = '{"ednaScoreCard":{"sc":[],"etr":[{"test":"id:0","details":"false","ts":1471432074763,"stage":"1"},{"test":"ed:37","fired":false,"details":"ed:37(false) = true","ts":1471432074763,"stage":"1"}

在你的 Class A 和 Class B 中,保存对 ResultHttpMock

global class HttpCalloutClass {

public static HttpCalloutMock httpMock = null;
    if(Test.istestRunning() && httpMock != null) {
        Http response = httpMock.respond(request);
    } else {
        Http response = http.send(request);

在您的测试中 class,在调用 functionA() 和 functionB() 之前初始化 httpMock 对象

public class TestHttp {

  static testMethod void testfunctionA() {
    HttpCalloutClass.httpMock = new ResultHttpMock ();
    String result = HttpCalloutClass.functionA();