收集的配置属性 "TimeToLive"

Collectd config attribute "TimeToLive"


TimeToLive 1-255 Set the time-to-live of sent packets. This applies to all, unicast and multicast, and IPv4 and IPv6 packets. The default is to not change this value. That means that multicast packets will be sent with a TTL of 1 (one) on most operating systems.

简而言之,谁能给我解释一下 TimeToLive 到底是什么?他们得到的描述我不清楚。

"TimeToLive -> Sets the time-to-live of sent packets"


这不是一个 collectd 概念,而只是一个网络概念:数据包在被丢弃之前应允许穿越的最大路由器数。